Someone worth reading

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Someone worth reading

jun 28, 2021, 6:40 am

Totally free of cant.

jun 29, 2021, 9:11 pm

I'm afraid of unknown sites. Can you please say something more about this.

jul 15, 2021, 5:58 am

Yes, your instincts are not wrong, even if you have Anti-Virus software that tries to block bad sites -- I use AVAST and AVG and haven't had any trouble (that I know of). Usually the bad sites are sent to you in a scam email telling you that a Nigerian Prince has left you five million dollars in his will and to get it all you have to do is click on a link....

But is okay. Ron Unz is a fanatical free-speech believer, and hosts a bunch of links to blogs by people whose opinions are well out of the mainstream, both Left and Right and 'Right', but mainly Right... the sort of opinions which the Thought Police on social media don't like.

Some of the comments in these blogs make my hair stand on end and my skin crawl: some of the commenters are real, genuine -- and sometimes clearly intelligent -- anti-Semites and genuine white supremacists of the extermination variety. (i'm talking about, mainly, the people who post things in the comments section of the actual essays or whatever you call them.)

But most of the people who post the essays there are, even when they're wrong, worth reading. Both Left and Right.

I always read Fred Reed -- of 'Fred on Everything'. He's a former Marine, badly wounded in Vietnam, who lives in Mexico -- which he loves (along with his Mexican wife and children), and he sometimes engages in heated polemics with the other people on the site who think all Hispanics are unter-menschen. He also presents some very good arguments against the "IQ determines everything" people.

You might think he would be staunch American patriot -- but you would be wrong. He says very frank things about the horrible racial situation in America -- things that most people know are true, but don't talk about or even think about. But ... he was a crime journalist for a long time, rode around with a lot of policeman ... and has written one of the best things I've ever seen written on how Blacks are -- or perhaps used to be, I suspect the reality has changed -- treated by the police. And when Fred writes about bad police behavior towards Blacks, you can believe it -- I think it's called 'testimony against interest' by the lawyers.

There must be lots of interesting sites out there that a thinking person, in these times, ought to be aware of. If you know of any obscure but good sites -- I don't care about their political orientation, or even if they're not political -- I'm interested in science and philosophy and history -- let me know. I could trade lists with you.

jul 19, 2021, 7:44 pm

Thanks for your comments. I find my political priority is #4 or 5 most of the time, so my reading and blogging are both inconsistent, and I don't have much hard knowledge to talk about. First place is trying to better understand, obey, and share my religion, at a distant second is philosophy because I think reason is important. Third place is economics (which admittedly is almost essentially politics), but 4th place (history) seems the best source for both politics and economics, if only we could sometimes determine what is really true.
I appreciate your posts.