Brewer Order

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Brewer Order

Bewerkt: okt 15, 2022, 3:53 pm

I made a new series with Cabell's works in Brewer Order (which was the order that he favored, rather than chronological order). But there are a couple of works that apparently no one on LibraryThing has. Should I make a fake manual book entry just to put them into the series?

okt 15, 2022, 4:28 pm

What's "fake"? Put them in an "unowned" collection or something similar, if you're just cataloging them to complete the series.

okt 15, 2022, 4:31 pm

Tell more about this Brewer order. Who was Brewer? How does the sequence compare to Storisende volume numbering, initial publication, and/or chronological narrative?

Bewerkt: okt 16, 2022, 4:34 pm

Frances Brewer made the first academic bibliography of Cabell's work in 1957. He (corrected to she -- see below) consulted Cabell about it. It's one of the two standard orderings of Cabell's work (other than chronological) because it's the ordering that he supposedly preferred.

A web page about it is:

okt 15, 2022, 8:05 pm


Bewerkt: okt 16, 2022, 1:29 am

Frances Brewer was a she. FYI, I am one of the editors of the webpage that you cite in >4 rpuchalsky:.

"Brewer order" is represented on LT by Biography order ( as opposed to Chronological order. As you see, both series are available here.

Cabell series can be complicated. I'd be glad to discuss the ins and outs of them.

Which works does nobody have? "Of Ellen Glasgow" comes to mind, but it is exceedingly rare -- only 109 copies were produced. Both copies listed on The Silver Stallion website are from images provided by the Cabell collection at Virginia Commonwealth University. A version of it was worked into a chapter of Let Me Lie. (Ever the economist, Mr Cabell!)

okt 16, 2022, 4:17 pm

Thanks for your work on that site. The series on LibraryThing which does Biography order doesn't seem to include, as far as I can tell, many of the works that aren't in the Biography of the Life of Manuel (Smirt, Smith, and Smire, for example.) I wanted a series that included all of his works.

The works that no one on LibraryThing had listed were Branch of Abingdon and Of Ellen Glasgow.