Currently Reading…

DiscussieAll the World's a Stage

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Currently Reading…

Bewerkt: jul 16, 2023, 8:15 pm

New here. Pocket bio: Retired humanities teacher, residing in Tlaxcala, Mexico, with two dogs and six indoor cats. Passionate about literature, history, philosophy, classical music and opera, jazz, cinema, and similar subjects. Nostalgic guy. Politically centrist. BA in American Studies from Yale; MAs in English and Education from Boston University. Born in northern New Jersey. Have lived and worked in San Francisco, Chicago, northern Nevada, northeast Wisconsin, South Korea.

I suppose this counts as a group revival, since the official listing here is “Dormant”, but only since 2020, so that’s not too long. In any case, as I’m getting involved in LT Groups again, if the group I want exists and doesn’t seem beyond resuscitation, I’m going to go ahead and post in it. I’d rather do that, using an existing shell and membership, than start a new group. And this is a great topic!

Currently reading the complete plays of George Bernard Shaw (starting Heartbreak House) and the Shakespeare plays I haven’t read before (Troilus and Cressida, Timon of Athens, Coriolanus for starters).