Folio Archives 339: The War in Granada by Diego de Mendoza 1982

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Folio Archives 339: The War in Granada by Diego de Mendoza 1982

sep 7, 2023, 9:00 pm

The War in Granada by Diego Hurtado de Mendoza 1982

From the middle of the 13th. century until the late 15th. century, Granada (southern Spain and Portugal) was ruled by the Islamic Moors. In 1491, after decades of war, the Moors were thrown out of Iberia and back to North Africa by the Spanish. Left behind were tens of thousands of Moorish traders, craftsmen and farmers who had lived in Granada for generations.

These remaining moors were heavily discriminated against by the conquering Catholic Spanish. They were forced to convert to Christianity, dress in a Spanish style, were heavily taxed and had their lands confiscated. They were left impoverished and starving. Eventually they revolted and in 1568 a civil war broke out that lasted two years before the last Moors were finally exiled to Morocco.

This is an eye witness account of an extraordinarily bloody, vicious and vindictive civil war. Captured Moors were flayed alive by the Spanish while Christian virgin girls were beheaded and their heads laid across roads to discourage the Spanish advance.

Mendoza describes everything from atrocities and troop movements to recipes for the poison to tip arrows and local politics. The narrative varies from the horrifyingly fascinating to the bland description of local geography. Even so, it is an amazing first hand accounts of history almost 500 years ago.

The book is bound in brown buckram, blocked in gilt with a design on cover and spine. The light brown endpapers are printed in dark brown with a map and the page tops are stained red. The 272 page book is translated and introduced by Martin Shuttleworth and there are 12 pages of bound in monochrome pictures. The textured slipcase is dark red and measures 23.7x15.1cm.

Laid in postcard with tear-off bookmark that was inserted in all FS books of this era.

An index of the other illustrated reviews in the "Folio Archives" series can be viewed here.

sep 9, 2023, 5:11 am

Fascinating to learn what this book is about. I always wondered! Sounds like an interesting read as well.