Ann's Keepin It Simple In 2024

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Ann's Keepin It Simple In 2024

Bewerkt: jan 10, 6:56 pm

I've been a member of this fun group before but wasn't able to fully participate in 2023.
During 2024, just to stick my little toe back in the water so to speak, I'm only going to participate in BingoDog (which is an absolute favorite of mine) and Katie's Historical Fiction challenge (which is a favorite genre of mine). So, I won't have a fancy thread here with a bunch of themes, but you all are welcome to stop by which greatly helps to keep me motivated. :-)

Wishing you all a belated Happy New Year and multitudes of excellent reading.

Bewerkt: mei 26, 10:06 pm

Bewerkt: mei 26, 10:11 pm

2024 BingoDog card:

In order of BINGO Card topics

✓A book featuring twins - Only The Cat Knows
Topic which you have specific knowledge
✓Paper-based item in plot - Finding Dorothy
✓POC author- Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization Neil deGrasse Tyson
✓Reread a favorite book - Anne of Avonlea

✓Epistolary/diary - 84, Charing Cross Road (excellent on audio!)
✓Person's name in title - The Wonderful World of James Herriot
✓Food or cooking - Ultra-Processed People
✓Three word title - The Near Witch
✓About friendship - A Song of Comfortable Chairs

Featuring water -
✓Ugly cover - Gathering Moss
Read a CAT
✓Book from LT similar library - A Study in Scarlet CraftyNelly
Set in multiple countries

Written in another cultural tradition
✓Less than 100 copies on LT - Murder On A Mystery Tour
✓Author 65 or older - The House of Unexpected Sisters - Alexander McCall Smith
Set in a city
Only title & author on cover

Current or recent bestseller
"Big" or "Little" in title
Short story collection
Warriors or mercenaries
✓Publication Year ending in -24 - The Queen of Thieves

(Original List)
1. A book with an ugly cover
2. Something that takes place in multiple countries
3. Set in the city
4. Involves warriors or mercenaries
5. Epistolary or diary format
6. Title contains a person's name
7. Written by an author 65 or older
8. A book with nothing on the cover but the title and author
9. Features a paper based item in the plot
10. Reread a favorite book
11. Something themed around food or cooking
12. A book with fewer than 100 copies on LT
13. Read a CAT
14. A book featuring water
15. A book written in another cultural tradition
16. The words "Big" or "Little" in the title
17. Book featuring twins
18. A short story collection / Anthology
19. Read a current/recent bestseller
20. A book about a topic about which you have specific knowledge or expertise
21. A book about Friendship
22. First published in a year ending in 24
23. A book from one of the libraries listed under the "Similar libraries" featured on your LT profile page
24. Something written by a person of colour
25. A three-word title

Bewerkt: jan 5, 7:02 pm

Katie's Historical Fiction Challenge:
1. Read a work of historical fiction set in the country you’re from
2. Read a work of historical fiction set in a different country to the one you’re from
3. Read a work of historical fiction set in your favorite historical time period to read about
4. Read a work of historical fiction set in a time period you’re less familiar with
5. Read a work of historical fiction with a speculative element
6. Read a work of historical fiction about a real historical figure or a specific historical event
7. Read a work of historical fiction of over 500 pages
8. Read a Classic work (written/published at least 60 years ago)
-or- Bonus: Read a Classic work of historical fiction (written at least 60 years ago about a time period at least sixty years before the work was written/published)

jan 5, 5:31 pm

>1 Ann_R: Hi Ann! You can ask christina_reads to change the title of your thread for you -- she has that power as group admin :)

jan 5, 6:06 pm

>5 rabbitprincess: Thanks so much for letting me know. :-) Christina also sent me a message which I've replied to and asked her to kindly update. I feel so silly making that mistake in the year.

jan 5, 7:31 pm

>6 Ann_R: Don't worry, you were not the only one! ;)

jan 5, 7:37 pm

>7 christina_reads: Ha! That makes me feel a wee bit better. :-) Thanks for fixing my autopilot boo-boo. Hopefully, I'll do better when I date my checks.

jan 5, 10:29 pm

Hurray! Glad you didn't have to redo the thread :)

jan 5, 10:52 pm

Good luck with your 2024 reading!

jan 5, 11:10 pm

>9 rabbitprincess: I'm also glad I didn't have to start a new topic. :-)
>10 DeltaQueen50: Thanks and same to you.

jan 6, 5:02 am

Bingo is one of my favorites too. Sometimes It really stretches my reading. Hope you have a good reading year.

jan 6, 6:22 am

>1 Ann_R: I love the partying dogs, so cute :-)
Happy reading in 2024! The Historical Fiction Challenge is something I wish to focus on more this year, too. I am looking forward to seeing what you read.

jan 6, 8:12 am

Happy reading and have lots of fun with the Bingo!

jan 6, 11:14 am

Good luck with your 2024 reading!

jan 6, 12:34 pm

>14 MissWatson: >15 Tess_W:
Thank you all for the encouraging comments. :-)
>12 dudes22: I feel the same, as sometimes I need to seek out books I normally wouldn't read. I was excited to coincidentally come across a mystery novel with twins in it, Only the Cat Knows . U.S. Kindle version is currently discounted to $1.99.
>13 MissBrangwen: Glad to know there are others excited to seek out some new HF books.

jan 6, 3:52 pm

Good luck with your 2024 reading.

jan 8, 11:51 am

Thank you, April and wishing you the same.

Bewerkt: jan 9, 1:42 pm

BingoDog: Less than 100 copies on LT
Murder On A Mystery Tour by Marian Babson 3.5 stars
Published in the 1980s, Murder On A Mystery Tour by Marian Babson pays homage to The Golden Age of mystery novels written during the 1920s and 1930s. (Agatha Christie was part of that group, however Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes series predates that style of writing.)

In this instance, we find couple Reggie and Midge trying to find a way to financially save their English manor, which is currently being used as a hotel. Just in the knick of time, they receive a call from an old friend in the publishing business, who is looking for a place to rent out to stage some promotional murder mystery tours. Babson deftly launches the reader into the rather complicated story, which is actually a mystery within a mystery.

My main quibble with the story was the sheer number of people to keep track of, as there are the actual characters and also the roles they assume for the murder mystery weekend. It does become confusing or at least it was for me. The one character I could always keep straight was Ackroyd the cat, who stares disapprovingly at certain guests and always knows when a there might be a treat available. Bravo Ackroyd. ;-)

First book completed in 2024

jan 9, 3:00 pm

See you in the Historical Fiction Challenge. Happy reading!

jan 10, 6:55 pm

>20 pamelad: Thank you!

jan 10, 7:02 pm

BingoDog - Person's name in title - The Wonderful World of James Herriot- 4 stars

Narrated by Nicholas Ralph, this was really good on audio. When I purchased it, I didn't realize most of the stories were taken directly from the original All Creatures Great and Small series so I was initially disappointed. However, I liked the inclusion of a nonfiction introduction to every story and I quickly began enjoying my revisit with a book series that I absolutely love.

jan 10, 7:07 pm

BingoDog - Twins - Only the Cat Knows - 2.5 stars

This is the second mystery novel by Marion Babson that I read this year. I should have read the publisher's summary before I purchased it on sale, as it has a dismal rating on LT, Goodreads and elsewhere. However, it does feature a set of twins as the main characters so I was able to complete a more difficult bingo square. :-)

jan 15, 8:11 pm

Hello! I wish I could keep things as simple as you've done here, but I just kept piling on the challenges this year lol. I am also looking forward to the Historical Fiction Challenge this year. Love the puppies in post 1!

jan 21, 4:48 pm

>24 staci426: I totally understand what you mean and wish you good luck. It is really difficult for me to pass up so many fun challenges. Especially this year, I knew it I overloaded myself I'd probably get frustrated and stop participating.

jan 21, 4:56 pm

I'm horrible about posting individual book updates and blurbs but I am making progress with Bingo Dog in messages 2 and 3. 🙂

Bewerkt: mei 26, 10:20 pm

I haven't updated here in a while as I've fallen behind in my reading challenges but here is my BingoDog progress to date:

✓A book featuring twins - Only The Cat Knows 👎
✓Paper-based item in plot - Finding Dorothy 👍
✓POC author - Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization Neil deGrasse Tyson 👍
✓Reread a favorite book - Anne of Avonlea 👌

✓Epistolary/diary - 84, Charing Cross Road (excellent on audio!) 👍
✓Person's name in title - The Wonderful World of James Herriot 👍
✓Food or cooking - Ultra-Processed People 👎
✓Three word title - The Near Witch 👌
✓About friendship - A Song of Comfortable Chairs 👍

✓Ugly cover - Gathering Moss 👍
✓Book from LT similar library - A Study in Scarlet CraftyNelly 👌

✓Less than 100 copies on LT - Murder On A Mystery Tour 👌
✓Author 65 or older - The House of Unexpected Sisters - Alexander McCall Smith 👍

✓Publication Year ending in -24 - The Queen of Thieves 👌

Bewerkt: mei 26, 10:45 pm

Katie's Historical Fiction Challenge:

  • Read a work of historical fiction set in the country you’re from

Finding Dorothy by Elizabeth Letts ★★★★★
This is a well researched historical fiction novel that deserves more attention. The book is for anyone who loved The Wizard of Oz movie or is interested in learning more about Maud Baum, wife of L. Frank Baum and daughter of suffragist Matilda Joslyn Gage. I absolutely loved this book and didn't want to put it down.

Bewerkt: mei 26, 10:43 pm

Katie's Historical Fiction Challenge:

  • Read a work of historical fiction set in a different country to the one you’re from

The Ardent Swarm by Yamen Manai ★★★★

A quick read set in the North African village of Nawa and Japan. The story covers a lot during a short timeframe; ecology, beekeeping, family, tradition, religious fundamentalism and politics.

mei 26, 10:43 pm

Katie's Historical Fiction Challenge:

  • Read a work of historical fiction book based on a real person

The Invincible Miss Cust by Penny Haw ★★★★

Set during the mid to late 1800s, this historical fiction novel is based on the Britain's first woman veterinary surgeon, Aleen Cust. As indicated by the author's note, the majority of the book is biographical, with more fact than fiction. I was so happy the narrative followed a single timeline. I thought the story of Aleen's determination to become a veterinary surgeon was quite compelling.