covers missing in pupups

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covers missing in pupups

jan 6, 3:08 pm

I've added a few books where I'm the only member having the book. I have a cover image, but the popups in at least two places show just a placeholder for the cover: in my Home where I show Recently Added by Cover, and in the series where the book is listed.

Fpr example, "Long in the Land" by Laura Montgomery and the series "Martha's Sons". I tried recalculating the cover to no effect.

Bewerkt: jan 6, 3:27 pm

Bewerkt: jan 6, 3:34 pm

>2 MarthaJeanne: But not in the popups for me. Even here when I hover above the link in your reply, to Long in the Land, it has a fake/madeup cover in the popup. In the Martha's Sons series, the covers are there but the popups if you hover over those covers is not correct.

Also, in the Author Page, hovering over the book title has the same result.

(By the way, how did you make those into live links?)

Bewerkt: jan 6, 4:39 pm

>3 DennisSanDiego: When you add a message, look over to the right, where touchstones are explained. You always need to check that the computer found the correct thing, but there is a link to others if it didn't.

Basically you add square brackets.

Bewerkt: jan 6, 3:58 pm

Hmm, when I try square bracket Long in the Land square bracket it points somewhere else: Long in the Land

jan 6, 4:38 pm

>5 DennisSanDiego: So you click on others and find the right one. Long in the Land It's the eighth one in the list.

jan 6, 5:12 pm

>1 DennisSanDiego: Have you gone to the covers page and chosen the one that was imported with your add?
It is odd that the cover didn’t personally accompany your entry. But it’s there and you can choose it. Better still, copy the url of the Amazon image and add it in the box “grab one from the web.” Then it is member added and guaranteed not to change.

jan 6, 7:39 pm

Looking at the first book - Long in the Land - the only cover available is one from Amazon. If you've turned off Amazon covers, it will show a placeholder.
You're cover was never added.

IF you think because you saw a cover when adding it that it would bring that cover across, that is false. The add books page does not bring the cover over. It selects the most common Amazon cover. To get a cover, you either need to select one from the Change Cover page, or Pick a webpage to scrape the cover from or upload a photo from your computer.

jan 7, 10:30 am

>8 gilroy: Thanks for your detailed response. It was only the popups that had default covers -- but this morning they are all there for me for these books. So either someone noticed and fixed something, or it just took several days to catch up. For instance, yesterday hovering over the "Long in the Land" link in response #2 above gave a default cover, but now it shows the correct cover.

Btw, how/where would I have "turned off" Amazon covers?

Bewerkt: jan 7, 11:02 am

You can turn off Amazon covers in your account settings (from your profile). Why? Because they aren't stabile. If you use an Amazon cover, the cover is stored at Amazon. If they start using a different cover for that ISBN, your cover changes. If they stop selling that book, you no longer have a cover.