Crush by Joanna Morgan

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Crush by Joanna Morgan

jan 8, 12:12 am

Crush by Joanna Morgan 3rd book in Elemental series
Received the ebook Crush by Joanna Morgan from Early Reviwers Group. It is a fast paced entertaining read. Main characters are Micah, an Earth Elemental, and Jade, a school teacher. Jade is mining gems on her claim on Independence mountain to pay for a decent nursing home to care for her mother who has severe dementia. Micah lives in Topaz Ridge with his fellow warriors. Walker, a water elemental, is commander. Ajax, an air elemental, is left in command when Walker returns to Primordia to meet with the Premiers, the groups leaders. He is married to Emory and have baby Jackson. (Book 1)Levi is a fire elemental. He is married to Brooke who is due anytime. (Book 2) The warriors guard the earth and sleeper, human who don't know they have elemental powers from the Chaolt. Chaolt are soulless beings who come thru the portal to cause death and chaos. They use such out and use the sleepers powers to cause environmental disasters like tsunami, major fires and landslides. The warriors were believed to be sterile, but with six month old Jackson and the baby due to be born that obviously isn't true. The Premiers also believe that all warriors are single. Two of the Elementals have increased in power since defending their mates. They no longer weaken as they near the portal. Which helps them survive combat. Micah is supposed to drain Jades powers, which requires physical touch. Jade doesn't want touched by anybody. Including Micah. The choalts will steal her power if they find her and use the sleeper power to cause severe destruction. Jade is focused on mining to earn money to keep her mother in a good home. Micah wants to do his job, keep Jade safe and the Chaolts away. The Chaolts want to cause chaos and destroy the mountain. I recommend this book and the rest of the series.