
DiscussieBook Discussion : The Malta Exchange by Steve Berry

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mrt 16, 8:39 am

Pollux Gallo claimed the rings were copies and the Secreti was disbanded after WWII, what are your thoughts on what he said?

mrt 16, 10:51 am

Could be, not enough information to say either yes or no at this time.

mrt 16, 12:20 pm

I think the rings probably could be copies and the Secreti was disbanded after World War II.

mrt 16, 8:31 pm

I don’t buy it. I think there is more to it.
And was anyone else shocked that the interim leader of the Order was none other than Gallo’s brother?
I expected him to make an appearance, but not in this role. Curious to see if the twins are in cahoots.

mrt 16, 8:59 pm

I think we need more information to make that determination.

I agree with >4 bluebird_: about not being surprised when Pollux showed up.

Bewerkt: mrt 17, 6:53 am

>4 bluebird_: I’m with you, I just think the Secreti went underground and the rings are the genuine article.

mrt 19, 8:51 am

>6 Andrew-theQM: Me too.
And Sator rings are one thing, Sator rings with the Maltese Cross engraved inside are a completely different thing.

mrt 19, 7:47 pm

I wonder how Pollux knew they were copies? And maybe the Secreti were disbanded after WWII, but I wouldn't be surprised if we run into them later in the book.