
DiscussieBook Discussion : Cold as the Grave by James Oswald

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mei 12, 8:08 am

Any thoughts on what occurred when Tony met with Madame Jasmina? What did you make of what she said?

Bewerkt: mei 12, 9:06 am

I think Madame Jasmina is even more aware of McLean’s destiny than Madame Rose. She was quick to drop McLean’s hands when she’d seen his palms. From what she said, McLean is in for another fight against evil. Hardly surprising with Mrs Saifre in the picture once again. Interesting that Mme J seems to know Mrs S, naming her as Atargatis (I assume it was she, and not the actress he talked to!); it’s reassuring that Mme J said “she has no power over you”.

mei 12, 9:34 am

Madame Jasmine said that Tony will have another fight against evil which means that Tony and Emma will have more problems in the future to deal with.

Bewerkt: mei 12, 3:27 pm

She may have seen something evil in Tony's future ????

mei 12, 1:33 pm

Hard for me to contemplate, as fortune telling and such is something I can't get into, however all of your answers fit with where the story is going.

mei 13, 4:33 am

>5 JohnDBurke: That's my view too; trying to ignore the sceptic in me and concentrate on where the plot is going.

mei 13, 8:24 am

>6 Maura49: I can understand fantasy and horror fiction; Lewis’s Narnia, Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Shelly’s Frankenstein, Stoker’s Dracula but supernatural evil as used in murder mystery doesn’t fit.