Murphy says Manga/Manhua is a Language of Symbols -- and other stuff.

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Murphy says Manga/Manhua is a Language of Symbols -- and other stuff.

Bewerkt: mei 25, 9:16 pm

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

mei 13, 4:13 pm

>1 Murphy-Jacobs: You mention so many interesting books! I've read Bridge of Birds ages ago - I remember nothing about it, but I know that I liked it. Ninefox Gambit - I started rereading this series last year, with great pleasure.

Have you read The Black Tides of Heaven and the rest of the Tensorate series? I think it's silkpunk... The first book is the weakest one in the series (according to me, at least), but I am glad I persevered.

Bewerkt: mei 25, 9:17 pm

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

Bewerkt: mei 25, 9:16 pm

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

Bewerkt: mei 27, 5:32 pm

>1 Murphy-Jacobs: Is everything okay?