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mei 20, 7:11 am

I received a notice today that somebody added me as a interesting library. The message further stated that to block this function, click the profile link included. I did so, but I can not find anywhere to disallow this feature. But while there.......I did find I have some connections that I know nothing about. So the second part of this question is how to I disconnect from those profiles that I know nothing of? I did click on their profile, but according to my page I did not click a connection of any sort and from my view there is no connection, except in the listing of their adds, reviews, etc.

Bewerkt: mei 20, 9:08 am

Interesting library is nothing. It just means someone sees your library has books that interest them. It's not a friendship like on other places.
There's a secondary level for that.

To prevent friend requests, you go into your settings, go to Privacy Center the Account Settings subsection, and click a box to change from enabled to disabled, then click save.
I believe this would prevent all potential friend requests, including ones you want.

I'm not sure if blocking the profile would block interesting library, though it would block friend requests.

mei 20, 1:38 pm

>1 Tess_W: It does seem significant to me that the message for 'interesting library' says "You can also edit your profile to disallow this feature" but you can't, actually. The link in the message goes to the main profile settings page, which does not provide that option. I assume it's referring to the account settings page which does have options for "allow private messages by members" and "allow friend requests", neither of which is exactly the same as disallowing 'interesting library'. That seems like it might warrant a bug report or recommended site improvement

To remove your connection to existing users, that button should be at the top right side of their profile page (or at the top center if you're on mobile). If you have marked someone as "interesting library" it will have a star and say "interesting library". Just click that button again to remove them as an interesting library. If you have marked someone as "friend" the second button will have a teacup and say "friend" and you can click it again to remove them as a friend.

mei 20, 2:03 pm

>3 norabelle414: I'm guessing making your library private is what is meant. After all, you're after not allowing the person to view your catalogue. The only difference is if it's just one person or anyone. AFAIK, interesting libraries is basically just favoriting a member profile. I certainly use it like that and have added some legacy libraries just to be able to hop there quickly when I want to browse.

mei 20, 2:29 pm

>4 SandraArdnas: I'd find that even more extreme than just not allowing private messages or friend requests. I don't think it really tracks with "disallow this feature".

I think 'interesting library' is similar to bookmarking a profile, yeah. It's not anywhere close to as intrusive as it sounds, and is useful for things like LT authors or organizational accounts where it's not a two-way relationship