S.K. Project - Salem's Lot

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S.K. Project - Salem's Lot

mei 26, 11:00 am

This group is mostly inactive, but since Uncle Steve is still producing work and I've started listening to a Stephen King podcast (The KingCast), I have a new angle for reading his books that I thought I'd share.

I'm going through and picking out some that I've been meaning to re-read for ages and doing just that. When done, I sometimes watch an adaptation or just listen to the podcast episodes dealing with those stories. It's been interesting and my latest is Salem's Lot which is an old favorite and not only has a couple of adaptations, but a short story from Night Shift is a follow up to it so I'll hook that on when I'm done the novel.

The KingCast episode about that short story is done with guest Scott Synder who collaborated with King to make a graphic novel - American Vampire which was expanded into a series, not all necessarily with King, however.

Anyway, I'm also reading his latest collection of short stories You Like it Darker and am comparing/contrasting his style between them to see what's changed and what hasn't. Quite fun.