"Public washroom" amenity option for venues

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"Public washroom" amenity option for venues

Bewerkt: mei 26, 6:42 pm

Whether a given location has a public washroom that can be accessed without purchasing something or otherwise paying for washroom access is something that's pretty important to mark down, I think, and should be an option among the other amenities you can select when editing local venues. I know a fair few people with digestive issues like IBS and etc, and whether there are public washrooms or not at a given location is something they always keep in mind esp. when they're going to be spending a lot of time at a given location.

mei 26, 2:58 pm

>1 ngoomie: You haven’t found the restrooms yet? You should have asked sooner. They’re down at the end of the green corridor, just next to the janitor’s closet where you will find the mop you now need.

mei 26, 3:15 pm

Personally, I find a toilet to be more useful than just a washroom.

mei 26, 10:08 pm

I guess that means we should re-edit the local venues.

mei 27, 9:31 am

Actually I think it might backfire.

Bookstores that have a customer toilet, and might be open to letting a non-customer use it in an emergency, might change their policy and/or ask to have their information removed from the website if they get a noticeable number of people coming is saying, "LT says you have a free toilet I can use."

mei 27, 11:45 am

>5 MarthaJeanne:

My thoughts precisely.

mei 30, 11:34 am

There are times when this ageing male would happily buy a book if I could empty my bladder when the need arose. It makes more sense than buying a coffee or a pint of beer, for obvious reasons.

'Customer toilets' with no suggestion that non-customers are welcome seems useful and harmless enough to me.

Young objectors should reflect on Time's winged chariot and all that.

mei 30, 11:41 am

...and another thing - Are there any bookstores which would stop any potential customer from crossing their threshold?

I did know a second-hand bookshop in Richmond, Surrey years ago whose eccentric owner would lock the doors when it started raining. He didn't like wet footprints and dripping umbrellas.

mei 30, 12:24 pm

I frequent a shop where the proprietor will happily turn you out for talking on a cell phone.

mei 30, 1:14 pm

>1 ngoomie: I think this is a great idea, and would go well with the existing "WIFI available" and "food/drink available" checkboxes.

Bewerkt: jun 3, 1:18 pm

>10 norabelle414: That's pretty much why I thought it should be included, was the food/drink one in specific. Seemed odd to me to have an option for that but not public washrooms/restrooms/what have you, that's usually one of the things I do see specified in other local directory type things.

jun 3, 2:31 pm

>11 ngoomie: Certainly in the UK food/drink will imply a public access toilet; it's a food hygiene requirement if you provide food & drink to customers in a cafe setting. The toilet will mostly likely be reserved for customers of the cafe (and probably by extension to the bookstore patrons), though not for any random passer by like a fully public WC.