PRE-CONTESTWhere be me crew? Help me recruit Sprogs and ye be gettin'....

DiscussieA Pirate of Exquisite Mind: Fall 2008 Reading Group

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PRE-CONTESTWhere be me crew? Help me recruit Sprogs and ye be gettin'....

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

Bewerkt: okt 20, 2008, 12:51 am

I thanks ye for signin' up and markin' your spot to be on me crew. Since we have a vast, big ship, we ain't got 'nough crew to man her across the seven seas and me thinks that the seas be rough this time o' year. We needs many more hands to sail and not much time 'fore we launch.

So, ye be needin' to ask yer friends and former shipmates to man me ship.

For each new crew member who signs up and walks the gangplank (namin' ye as their friend, be sure) than ye get a ONE WORD CLUE to qualify to win the prize drawing for the Pirate's Cove contest.

If ye gets five new shipmates to sign up and mention ye by name, ye will have enough words to directly find Pirate's Cove.

This here pre-contest ends November 2, 2008. Questions? Post yer befuddlement here, so yer shipmates can see yer thinkin' and such.

Yer Captain

okt 20, 2008, 1:21 pm

Ye scrubs are in for a treat.

Yer First Mate stood up for ye and says that Yer Captain is bein' too harsh on ye for yer first voyage.

Thems bein' the case, me's changin' the rules. If you bring ONE RECRUIT on board, and the landlubber walks the gangplank and mentions ye by name, ye get the full clue to find Pirates Cove!

ARRRRRRGGGHHHHH yer done me in before we's left drydock!

Yer Captain

okt 20, 2008, 2:16 pm

Yer Captain wanted ye goin about half the town hijacking every poor Lily-livered Landlubber in sight. Shiver me timbers! It’ll be Scrubbing the decks, the Cat o' nine tails and keelhauling, yer captain will be thinking of next. This Sweet trade be not for the Lily-livered with such a Lass in charge, I'll be bound!

Yer First Mate, The Piratical Tortoise

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