Pirate Facts

DiscussieA Pirate of Exquisite Mind: Fall 2008 Reading Group

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Pirate Facts

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Bewerkt: nov 15, 2008, 12:58 pm

Did You Know…

1. That Barbarossa was a nickname for two pirate brothers. Barbarossa means “Redbeard” because they both had red beards!

2. Pirates from the Mediterranean were called corsairs. They didn’t want treasure. Instead, they took people from ships and ports and sold them as slaves. Corsairs also captured rich people to obtain a ransom for their release.

3. English “privateers” were legalised pirates who raided Spanish ships on behalf of Queen Elizabeth I.

- TT

nov 15, 2008, 8:19 am

The Jolly Roger flag, with its black background and white skull and crossbones, was designed to be scary. This flag was not used by all pirates, usually it was only flown by those sailing in the Spanish Main.

Pirates believed that wearing pierced earrings would improve their eyesight.

Pirates believed that having women on board their ship was bad luck. They also believed that whistling on a ship would cause the weather to turn stormy (as in ‘to whistle up a storm’).

Pirates would take over island ports and make them a safe haven for pirates.

Almost all pirates stole their ships because they couldn’t buy ships incase they got caught and sent to jail. Once they had taken over a ship they had to convert it for pirate life, this usually meant making more room for sailors to live on board and strengthening the decks to hold the weight of the heavy cannons.

Ships sailing on their own often sailed close to warships or joined other convoys of ships to protect themselves from pirates. Pirates could only attack one ship at a time, so if the sailors traveled in groups there was less chance of their boat being the one that was attacked.

Pirate Captain’s would change out of their expensive, flashy clothes if there was a chance they might be captured. This way they could pretend they where only one of the crew, and not somebody important and hopefully escape.

Pirates probably didn’t have talking parrots.

Although pirates have been around since the 15th century, most pirating happened between 1690 and 1720.

On the Caribbean island of St Thomas you will find a place called ‘Black Beard’s Castle’. It is believed that this is where the famous pirate spent many hours looking out for approaching ships

nov 15, 2008, 12:56 pm

Did You Know…

4. Francois Le Clerc was a dangerous pirate with one leg. In the 1550’s, he raided Caribbean islands owned by Spain. He captured the port of Havana on the island of Cuba. No one would pay Le Clerc to give up the port, so he burned it to the ground.

5. Some famous captains were called “sea dogs”. Francis Drake was the most famous of the sea dogs. In 1572 he attacked the Spanish in Central America and stole their silver. Once he attacked a treasure store. But when he broke open the store, it was empty!

6. On the Caribbean island of Hispaniola men hunted wild pigs and cooked them on open fires. They used a special knife to cut the pigs up. Later, the knife blade was made into a short, wide sword. This was the cutlass that pirates and other sailors began to fight with.

- TT

nov 22, 2008, 5:31 am

Did you know...

7. Sailors fought hard against pirates when they were attacked. But they didn’t try to fight Francis L’Ollonais in the 1660s. He was very cruel and tortured his prisoners. When Francis attacked a ship, the captain and sailors usually gave up without a fight.

8. What did pirates do with their money? Pirates sold their treasure to people at the docks. They usually made lots of money. Most of the money was spent in public houses! Pirates could spend 3000 pieces of silver in one night. That’s about £45,000 ($67000) in today’s money!

9. Port Royal was a harbour on the island of Jamaica. A strong fort guarded the harbour. Pirates could even mend their ships in the docks. Jamaica was ruled by the English, who left the pirates alone.

- TT

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