My favourite book at the moment

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My favourite book at the moment

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aug 31, 2010, 6:16 am

Hi everyone,

I've recently read a great book that I would like to tell everyone about. It is called No and Me by Delphine de Vigan.

The story centres upon Lou, a brilliant 13-year-old with a sad family secret. She meets homeless teen No in a Paris train station and decides to interview her for a school project. As their frienship grows, Lou and her family come to terms with their difficult past.

I would definitely recommend this book!

sep 3, 2010, 10:23 am

Wow, that sounds like an interesting book. Do you think you could tell me what you like about it, I might like to read it!

Chloe Anderson :)

sep 3, 2010, 10:46 am

Sure, Chloe.

It just so happens that three more copies of this book arrived today, so more people can enjoy it.

One thing I really liked about it was the setting. I read so many books that are set in the UK or my native US, but I rarely read anything set in Paris. I like reading books that are set in other countries, and I wish that I could read French fluently so I could read it in its original language. Thank goodness for translators!

I also like that the protaganist is a strong female character. Lou is a bit naive, but she is incredibly intelligent, sensitive, and curious about the world around her. It makes a refreshing change from some books that are marketed to teenage girls and are concerned about little more than boyfriends and gossip.

That said, there is a bit of romance in this story! Delphine de Vigan writes about the friendship between Lou and Lucas in a realistic and compelling manner. Anyone who has ever felt awkward around a cruch will certainly be able to relate!