Cooking the moisture-absorbing pack


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Cooking the moisture-absorbing pack

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Bewerkt: sep 4, 2010, 2:42 am

How embarrassing. I can't believe I've done this. Can anyone advise?

To cut a long story short: I've just realised that I tipped the moisture-absorbing(?) pack that came with the chicken pieces into the cold water and vegetables for chicken stock. It cooked for nearly 45 minutes (brought to the boil then simmered low) before I realised that the spinach leaf that had wrapped itself around some pieces of carrot, etc., was in fact the aforementioned not-to-be-cooked thingy.

Removed it immediately, but am wondering whether the stock should be discarded or not.

Can you help. (And stop laughing.)

sep 4, 2010, 3:00 am

I would have answered this five minutes ago but I had to go for a little walk first!

These moisture absorbent pads are not toxic. They are either filled with cellulose or a non-toxic polymer. Check these links.

Thanks for the giggle though. Last time I heard of something like that was when my first wife warmed up the mini-pizzas for a party still in their plastic wrap! It was just after oven roasting bags had been invented and she thought that was what to do. Plastic coated mini-pizzas are not appetising at all.

sep 4, 2010, 3:15 am

Thanks Jim... I was going to give some of the stock to my sister anyway, so shall watch and wait (just in case).

At least there isn't a party crowd waiting in anticipation (as for the mini-pizzas of your memory)!

sep 4, 2010, 4:06 am

The old 'test it on the sister' trick. Good idea.

sep 4, 2010, 5:48 pm

You lose more sisters that way you know!

sep 6, 2010, 6:11 pm

Well, I've decided to discard the rest of the stock.

Shame about my sister.

feb 15, 2011, 8:11 pm

This reminds me of when styrofoam cups were first available, I think in the early 60s. Remember, there were waxed paper cups up to this point. My father poured hot grease into one not realizing it was going to disintegrate.