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Led Astray (Urban Soul Presents)

door Pat Tucker

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314,220,023 (2.5)Geen
After five years of marriage, Keisha SaintJohn is bored to tears. The humdrum daily rituals are bad enough, let alone the mother-in-law from hell who never thought Keisha was good enough. Dexter SaintJohn truly thought a party girl could be reformed, and married Keisha despite sterm warnings. Their marriage is rocked to the core when Keisha's old buddy, Alex Perry, returns home with a problem on her hands - and soon the pair are back to their old man-eating partying ways. Soon Keisha must choose between the life she once knew and the one she never bargained for.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorStephanie.Wilkerson, tkfranklin1, Chicagoan
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While I enjoyed reading Led Astray, I do not feel it was one of Pat Tucker's better books. The plot revolves around the marriage of Keisha and her husband, Dexter. Keisha doesn't get along with Dexter's family nor is she liked by his friends - they all feel Keisha had too much of a wild streak for laid-back, homebody Dexter. After Dexter digs up Keisha's old club-hopping buddy, April, and they surprise Keisha at her anniversary party, things really start to heat up. When April decides to stay in town, Keisha finds herself backsliding into her old ways: club-hopping, staying out late at night, and even having extra-marital affairs.

Each time Dexter discovers Keisha's indiscretions, he always forgive her and hope their marriage is worth saving. Meanwhile, Keisha's behavior goes from bad to worse. While some readers will blame April for encouraging Keisha to betray her husband, it is worth noting that when April meets a man and decides she is ready to settle down, Keisha continue with her indiscretions.

Once again, I found the ending the downfall of the book. While it looked like Keisha and Dexter were heading for divorce court, all of a sudden they were happily married and starting a family. All the things Keisha hated about Dexter and the things she loved about her lover no longer seemed to matter. I think I would have enjoyed the book more if it had ended with Dexter accepting Keisha's indiscretions and understanding why she was so unhappy in the marriage - this would have led to Dexter having some self-acceptance and, perhaps, choosing a better and more compatible mate in the future. The book left me feeling like Keisha settled for Dexter and decided to remain in an unhappy marriage. Naturally, this situation occurs often in real life but the book left me wondering how long Keisha would be able to remain faithful to her husband especially once the stress and pressure of parenthood is added to an already fragile relationship. ( )
  Chicagoan | Jul 12, 2010 |
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After five years of marriage, Keisha SaintJohn is bored to tears. The humdrum daily rituals are bad enough, let alone the mother-in-law from hell who never thought Keisha was good enough. Dexter SaintJohn truly thought a party girl could be reformed, and married Keisha despite sterm warnings. Their marriage is rocked to the core when Keisha's old buddy, Alex Perry, returns home with a problem on her hands - and soon the pair are back to their old man-eating partying ways. Soon Keisha must choose between the life she once knew and the one she never bargained for.

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