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Puzzle Quilts: Simple Blocks, Complex Fabrics

door Paula Nadelstern

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1091258,462 (4)Geen
*Important Note about PRINT ON DEMAND Editions: The printing quality in this copy will vary from the original offset printing edition and may look more saturated due to printing on demand by a high-quality printer on uncoated (non-glossy) paper. The information presented in this version is the same as the most recent printed edition. Any pattern pullouts have been separated and presented as single pages. A Puzzle Quilt is a Sampler with a Secret - Finally...Paula Nadelstern's signature look in blocks any quilter can create - Choose special fabrics to create a variety of effects - The PUZZLE is in the PAIRS-identically pieced blocks look amazingly different Everyone loves Paula's complex, optically challenging quilts. Now, Paula strips construction down to the bare bones, so you can focus on fabric selection, then use special techniques like symmetry, mirroring, and seam blending to create stunning, exciting designs. The six blocks are featured in a sampler, or combine them with your own ideas to create unlimited projects.… (meer)
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Identically pieced but they look amazingly different!"
Bysally tarboxTOP 500 REVIEWERon 6 December 2017
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I have patchworked for many years and thought I knew all about giving same design different looks by choice of tones and colours.
But this book is something else - Nadelstern's puzzle quilts create entirely unrecognisably different blocks while still using the same quite basic designs. There are pages of very interesting and readable advice on colours, prints etc. ( )
  starbox | Dec 7, 2017 |
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*Important Note about PRINT ON DEMAND Editions: The printing quality in this copy will vary from the original offset printing edition and may look more saturated due to printing on demand by a high-quality printer on uncoated (non-glossy) paper. The information presented in this version is the same as the most recent printed edition. Any pattern pullouts have been separated and presented as single pages. A Puzzle Quilt is a Sampler with a Secret - Finally...Paula Nadelstern's signature look in blocks any quilter can create - Choose special fabrics to create a variety of effects - The PUZZLE is in the PAIRS-identically pieced blocks look amazingly different Everyone loves Paula's complex, optically challenging quilts. Now, Paula strips construction down to the bare bones, so you can focus on fabric selection, then use special techniques like symmetry, mirroring, and seam blending to create stunning, exciting designs. The six blocks are featured in a sampler, or combine them with your own ideas to create unlimited projects.

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