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Secret of the Cave [2006 film] (2006)

door Zach Gray (Director)

Andere auteurs: Patrick Bergin (Actor), Sheila Flitton (Actor), Rhoda Griffis (Actor), Joseph Kelly (Actor), Peadar Lamb (Actor)1 meer, Kevin Novotny

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Roy is a young American boy who knows that his dad is Irish. He never thought he would be spending his precious summer vacation in a tiny fishing village in Ireland. He feels a long way from home but before long, unexplainable events begin to occur and murmurs of ghosts sweep through the village. Determined to solve the mystery and disprove the superstition of the villagers, Roy takes on the case. When all the signs point toward the sea cave, Roy must face his fears.… (meer)
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A young American boy, Roy Wallace, knows that his dad is Irish yet never thought he would be spending his precious summer vacation in a tiny fishing village in Ireland. He feels a long way from home but before long unexplainable events begin to occur and murmurs of ghosts sweep through the village. Determined to solve the mystery and disprove the superstition of the villagers, Roy takes on the case. When all signs point towards the sea cave, Roy faces and discovers the Secret of the Cave. Based on the bestselling book by Arthur S. Maxwell, Secret of the Cave is a story of discovery, adventure and coming of age that the whole family can enjoy. Rated PG. Approx. 88 minutes.

DVD Features:
DVD Release Date: September 4, 2007
5.1 Dolby Digital Surround
Spanish Subtitles
Closed Captioned
DVD Playable in Bermuda, Canada, United States and U.S. territories. Please check if your equipment can play DVDs coded for this region
  StPaul43228 | Apr 7, 2012 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Gray, ZachDirectorprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Bergin, PatrickActorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Flitton, SheilaActorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Griffis, RhodaActorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Kelly, JosephActorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Lamb, PeadarActorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Novotny, KevinSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Roy is a young American boy who knows that his dad is Irish. He never thought he would be spending his precious summer vacation in a tiny fishing village in Ireland. He feels a long way from home but before long, unexplainable events begin to occur and murmurs of ghosts sweep through the village. Determined to solve the mystery and disprove the superstition of the villagers, Roy takes on the case. When all the signs point toward the sea cave, Roy must face his fears.

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