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The Dark Tourist: Sightseeing in the World's Most Unlikely Holiday Destinations

door Dom Joly

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882316,728 (3.76)5
Ever since he can remember, Dom Joly has been fascinated by travel to odd places. In part this stems from a childhood spent in war-torn Lebanon, where instead of swapping marbles in the schoolyard, he had a shrapnel collection -- the schoolboy currency of Beirut. Dom's upbringing was interspersed with terrifying days and nights spent hunkered in the family basement under Syrian rocket attack or coming across a pile of severed heads from a sectarian execution in the pine forests near his home. These early experiences left Dom with a profound loathing for the sanitized experiences of the modern day travel industry and a taste for the darkest of places. In this brilliantly odd and hilariously told travel memoir, Dom Joly sets out on a quest to visit those destinations from which the average tourist would, and should, run a mile. The more insalubrious the place, the more interesting is the journey and so we follow Dom as he skis in Iran on segregated slopes, spends a weekend in Chernobyl, tours the assassination sites of America and becomes one of the few Westerners to be granted entry into North Korea. Eventually Dom journeys back to his roots in Beirut only to discover he was at school with Osama Bin Laden. Funny and frightening in equal measure, this is a uniquely bizarre and compelling travelogue from one of the most fearless and innovative comedians around.… (meer)
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Joly has made some decent TV but here his smugness outweighs any humour and insight. Not always a smooth read, either. ( )
  highlowandinbetween | Sep 24, 2021 |
This book wasn't as hilarious as I expected, but that's ok. Instead it offered a candid, personal look into strange destinations (Iran, North Korea, etc.) through Dom Joly's eyes. And at times Joly's candid bluntness was quite funny. I got a better sense of what it is like to live in places that show up on the world news for civil wars, genocide, and dictatorial reigns. "Life finds a way..."

Favorite quote from the book: "If nothing else I hope that by writing about these places people will get another perspective on them, an appreciation that normal life exists under any circumstances...except maybe in North Korea, where it really is tough." ( )
  TrgLlyLibrarian | Feb 1, 2015 |
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Ever since he can remember, Dom Joly has been fascinated by travel to odd places. In part this stems from a childhood spent in war-torn Lebanon, where instead of swapping marbles in the schoolyard, he had a shrapnel collection -- the schoolboy currency of Beirut. Dom's upbringing was interspersed with terrifying days and nights spent hunkered in the family basement under Syrian rocket attack or coming across a pile of severed heads from a sectarian execution in the pine forests near his home. These early experiences left Dom with a profound loathing for the sanitized experiences of the modern day travel industry and a taste for the darkest of places. In this brilliantly odd and hilariously told travel memoir, Dom Joly sets out on a quest to visit those destinations from which the average tourist would, and should, run a mile. The more insalubrious the place, the more interesting is the journey and so we follow Dom as he skis in Iran on segregated slopes, spends a weekend in Chernobyl, tours the assassination sites of America and becomes one of the few Westerners to be granted entry into North Korea. Eventually Dom journeys back to his roots in Beirut only to discover he was at school with Osama Bin Laden. Funny and frightening in equal measure, this is a uniquely bizarre and compelling travelogue from one of the most fearless and innovative comedians around.

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Gemiddelde: (3.76)
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4 5
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5 4

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