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Birnbaum's Walt Disney World 2011

door Birnbaum Travel Guides

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The latest edition of the only official guide to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, fully updated with the most accurate information on prices, changes and new attractions for 2011. Includes detailed accounts of all that's new in Walt Disney World: shows, attractions, restaurants and lounges, updates on ticket structures and advice for readers on how to pick what's right for their holiday. Also featured are updates on the ever popular Disney Dining Plan and tips on how to book tables at popular Walt Disney World destinations before everyone else does.… (meer)
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Planning a trip to Disney World? Then, Birnbaum's handy guide to the land of ears and magical fairies is one source to choose to help plan your trip. It's filled with great information about the parks, resorts, stores, restaurants, sports and travel.

Here's the caveat: this guide has been blessed by Disney, which means that you're getting the rosy-colored view of Disney World. While it's an awesome vacation destination, approaching a Disney Vacation requires planning, and yes, training. How to navigate the lines, where are the best places to park, what's the best way to sneak in a meal. These types of hints are not in this Disney Guide!

Despite this, newcomers and park veterans can benefit from the treasure trove of information in this travel guide, from ride times to stroller rentals. My suggestion: read this book and one not endorsed by Disney. Between the two, you can create a magical experience for your family. ( )
  mrstreme | Apr 23, 2011 |
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The latest edition of the only official guide to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, fully updated with the most accurate information on prices, changes and new attractions for 2011. Includes detailed accounts of all that's new in Walt Disney World: shows, attractions, restaurants and lounges, updates on ticket structures and advice for readers on how to pick what's right for their holiday. Also featured are updates on the ever popular Disney Dining Plan and tips on how to book tables at popular Walt Disney World destinations before everyone else does.

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