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Unsinkable (Titanic, No. 1) door Gordon…
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Unsinkable (Titanic, No. 1) (origineel 2011; editie 2011)

door Gordon Korman (Auteur)

Reeksen: Titanic (Korman) (1)

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1,1891317,320 (3.71)8
"The Titanic is meant to be unsinkable, but as it begins its maiden voyage, there's plenty of danger waiting for four of its young passengers. Paddy is a stowaway, escaping a deadly past. Sophie's mother is delivered to the ship by police - after she and Sophie have been arrested. Juliana's father is an eccentric whose riches can barely hide his madness. And Alfie is hiding a secret that could get him kicked off the ship immediately. The lives of these four passengers will be forever linked with the fate of the Titanic. And the farther they get from shore, the more the danger looms." (publisher).… (meer)
Titel:Unsinkable (Titanic, No. 1)
Auteurs:Gordon Korman (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic Paperbacks (2011), Edition: Original, 176 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Unsinkable door Gordon Korman (2011)

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1-5 van 13 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Definitely recommended!

Not all books hold their own through a reread, but this one did! Perhaps it was simply my adoration toward the audiobook (if you're going to try this one, I'd beg you to use the audiobook version!) and Paddy's endearing Irish accent, but I found Unsinkable to be just as fun and exciting as I remembered it to be from when I was younger.

Whether you're a historical fiction reader or not, this series is worth it. It's quick and easy to read (or listen to!), not to mention fun and exciting.

Content warnings: One main character lived a life as a street thief before boarding the Titanic. Another main character’s father has issues with alcohol and gambling, but the author makes it clear that this is a bad thing. The main characters find a scrapbook in the storage areas of the ship. It’s filled with accounts of the White Chapel murders, and the author mentions that pieces of clothing and jewelry from victims, as well as human teeth, are included in the scrapbook. It’s apparent that Jack the Ripper is on board the ship, which, of course, is made up. However, the actual killer doesn’t make an appearance in Book 1.

I would hesitate a little to recommend this series for children under 10 because of disturbing content. I did read this book myself when I was around 9 or 10 and ended up doing a Google search about the White Chapel murders. Long story short, it wasn't a good idea. However, my sister, in turn, also read this series when she was 10, and besides being a little afraid in one scene of Book 1, she was fine. With its twists and turns, Korman’s Titanic series is superb for reluctant readers, but parents should read the books themselves first to make sure that the series is something they are okay with their child(ren) reading. ( )
  BooksbyStarlight | Oct 25, 2022 |
I am fascinated with all things Titanic, so i was excited when I discovered this book. Not bothering with the blurb, everyone knows how a story about the Titanic is going to end, I was surprised that "Unsinkable" was written for younger teens.

The book focuses on four teens aboard the luxury steamship. From different socio economic backgrounds and various parts of the world, Paddy, Alfie, Juliana and Sophie, become acquainted through unexpected circumstances. Each of them were very likeable but they had the own issues and because of their varying statuses, the reader is given a wonderful insight into life aboard the Titanic from the boiler rooms to the grand staircase and everything in between. While I enjoyed each of the teens' stories, Paddy's was definitely the one that had the most excitement and adventure as he tried to avoid being discovered as a stowaway.

It is obvious the series is just beginning because the four teens only know each other fleetingly at the moment, so I am expecting their friendship to grow and develop in the subsequent books.

I intended to read something totally different after I finished "Unsinkable", but because the novel ended when Jack Phillips, the senior wireless operator, handed Captain Smith the message about the ice ahead and he placed it unread in his pocket, I decided to set the book aside and continue with the drama and sense of doom surrounding the Titanic and its passengers and crew members. A great start to a new series. ( )
  HeatherLINC | Aug 19, 2020 |
My third graders are really enthusiastic about Gordon Korman’s books, so when I found this historical fiction novel at Savers, I was tempted to see just what it was all about. The author does a superb job of weaving factual information about the Titanic into the story and describing the majestic ship, the Titanic, as the backdrop for the intrigue that occurs. The story centers around four young passengers aboard the ocean liner, as Paddy, a stowaway, tries to elude a couple of mean gangsters that are hot on his trail. While on board, he meets Alfie, an underage steward, who seeks employment to be near his father working in the bowels of the ship. The boys encounter Sophie, whose mother is a women’s suffrage activist, as they are extradited to return to America by the after being arrested. And then they meet Julie, whose aristocratic life of privilege is so unlike their own.
Because this book is the first of a trilogy, I was disappointed to find that a complete resolution to the gangster problem is not achieved by the end of the novel, and one must read books two and three in order to learn about Paddy’s fate, as well as the rest of the passengers aboard this ‘unsinkable’ ship. ( )
  haymaai | Dec 26, 2015 |
Really good. It shows a decent array of perspectives about the culture and climate of the time and a nice range of different classes of passengers. I could really do without the Jack the Ripper subplot, but whatever. ( )
  benuathanasia | Feb 2, 2015 |
Recommended Ages: Gr. 4-7

Plot Summary: Four different kids end up on the Titanic, although none of them expected to. Paddy, who lives on the streets, stole money from a rich gangster. Gilhooley kills his friend Daniel but Paddy escapes onto the ship. Unfortunately, Gilhooley is also on the Titanic.

Alfie's mother left him all alone and with no money. With no other hope, he tracks down his father, who he doesn't know very well because he's been at sea for much of Alfie's life. John will be working on the Titanic and out of desperation for somewhere to belong, Alfie lies about his age and gets a job on the Titanic as well.

Sophie is traveling with her mom as she protests for women's rights. In England, her mom gets arrested, which is no surprise. But Sophie also gets arrested. They are forced out of England and end up on the Titanic. Sophie knows her mom is crazy, but when she sees some woman waving like mad, she realizes another girl on the Titanic also has a crazy mother. Will they become friends?

Juliana's father loves adventure and surprises her with a trip on the Titanic. She's excited to be away from her mother, but her dad is a little crazy too. She knows a lot because her father is wealthy. Will she think she's too good to be friends with people who don't have as much money?

When Alfie and Paddy find out there is a murderer on board the Titanic, will they be able to solve the mystery before someone is killed?

Setting: Belfast, England, seas

Paddy Burns - 14 y/o, AKA Patrick, "walked 67 miles to Belfast after the last whiskey-driven beating he intended to endure from his stepfather"
Kevin Gilhooley - gangster from Belfast, on the Titanic and knows Paddy stole from him, working with his gangster friends to kill Paddy as payback for stealing from him
Daniel Sullivan - 15 y/o, "orphan who had fled the life of a chimney sweep's climbing boy
Juliana Glamm - 15 y/o, is a little excited to be going away from her mother who embarrasses her by waving hysterically as the Titanic pulls away
Rodney Glamm - Earl of Glamford, Juliana's papa, likes to gamble and participate in extreme sports such as flying an airplane
Mr. Andrews - built the Titanic, talked to Daniel and gave him a challenge that he won't be able to find a way that the Titanic will sink
Alfie Huggins - 15 y/o, pretends to be 16 so he can work on the Titanic to be with his dad, his ma left him with no money and he found his dad
John Huggins - works as a fireman in the boiler room on the Titanic
Sophie Bronson - embarrassed by her mother but gets arrested with her in England
Ms. Amelia Bronson - being kicked out of England for her protesting for women's rights

Recurring Themes: Titanic, survival, friendship, family, child labor, murder, mystery, socioeconomic status

Controversial Issues: none (murder mystery)

Personal Thoughts: As soon as I realized this book was a murder mystery two-thirds of the way through I had to stop reading it at night before bed. This action packed book is clearly part of a trilogy so have all three parts readily available. The characters are fairly well developed but some are more memorable than others. Overall, great action/adventure.

Genre: mystery, action/adventure

Pacing: fast, but murder isn't introduced until 2/3 of the way through
Characters: well developed for having so many characters and storylines

Activity: ( )
  pigeonlover | May 3, 2014 |
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"The Titanic is meant to be unsinkable, but as it begins its maiden voyage, there's plenty of danger waiting for four of its young passengers. Paddy is a stowaway, escaping a deadly past. Sophie's mother is delivered to the ship by police - after she and Sophie have been arrested. Juliana's father is an eccentric whose riches can barely hide his madness. And Alfie is hiding a secret that could get him kicked off the ship immediately. The lives of these four passengers will be forever linked with the fate of the Titanic. And the farther they get from shore, the more the danger looms." (publisher).

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