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The Racist's Guide to the People of South Africa

door Simon Kilpatrick

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1931,175,338 (3)Geen
Politically incorrect, comprehensively unscientific, and exceptionally funny, this guidebook identifies--and pokes fun at--the people of the Rainbow Nation. After sorting out the labels Black, English Whites, Afrikaners, and Coloreds, the discussion pushes on to more difficult questions: Why should you never give a White woman a white-gold engagement ring? Why do Indian men always play sports in jeans? and How do Colored gangsters fare in the navy?… (meer)
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Toon 3 van 3
This book had me in tears of laughter.

I'd say the closer your association with "The Whites" (english speaking white South Africans) the funnier you are likely to find this book :-) ( )
  pengvini | Mar 30, 2013 |
This is not a good book. It's not very funny and only duplicates cliches. IKilpatrick obviously wanted to cash in on this popular theme - and caught me for a sucker too. If you are looking for something not politically correct, but truly hilarious you should rather pick the books b y Ndumiso Ngcobo like "Some of my best friends are white". ( )
  Wilhelm_Weber | Apr 29, 2011 |
Gentle and surprisingly funny, The racist’s guide is unlikely to ruffle feathers of any but the most gratuitously sensitive, and its elegantly old-fashioned brand of wit is suitable for all ages.

Maybe because it was written by a white English-speaker, the section dealing with that racial subsection is probably the least amusing, followed by the chapter of Blacks which, while funny, goes too far out of its way not to offend.

But for everyone who’s ever watched Afrikaners in two-tone shirts drinking brandy and coke, Indians driving expensive pimped-up cars or Coloureds in bright clothes toothlessly gumming snoek and slurping from a papsak – and laughed – this book is for you. ( )
  adpaton | Dec 2, 2010 |
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Politically incorrect, comprehensively unscientific, and exceptionally funny, this guidebook identifies--and pokes fun at--the people of the Rainbow Nation. After sorting out the labels Black, English Whites, Afrikaners, and Coloreds, the discussion pushes on to more difficult questions: Why should you never give a White woman a white-gold engagement ring? Why do Indian men always play sports in jeans? and How do Colored gangsters fare in the navy?

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