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Sylvia Earle (Just the Facts Biographies)

door Beth Baker

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Describes the life of this groundbreaking marine biologist and diver, from her childhood in New Jersey and Florida to her deep sea explorations of the 1980s and 1990s.
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On August 30, 1935, Sylvia Alice Earle was born. Eventually, the child would become a respected marine biologist, concerned with environmental issues and persuading the government to invest in funding underwater research. She formed the values that caused her to fight for her causes during her youth.

Her upbringing stressed that one must protect and care for nature; her mother was an amateur veterinarian. She could often be found outdoors, collecting data on the areas around her house. She was particularly fascinated by the ocean from the age of three when she leapt up after being knocked down by the water she was playing in (6).

She kept this mindset throughout her whole life, never losing her passion for the ocean and the life within. Enamored with it all, she didn’t understand how people could do any sort of damage to it.

One of the experiences she cites as “most exciting” happened in 1977 when she was able to swim with humpback whales. After her first time in the water with them, she “never worried since in all [her] encounters with humpback whales” (58). During a particularly vicious storm, Sylvia still went in to swim with them, even though she was aware that there were sharks in the water: “Sylvia has more guts than almost anybody you can name” (63).

In the "Just the Facts Biographies" book "Sylvia Earle" by Beth Baker, one can learn interesting facts about this incredible woman’s life and the challenges she faced. The book also provides various pieces of information on things mentioned in the text, such as improvements to diving equipment. Through this biography, one can imagine the passionate, driven nature of the woman who manages to accomplish so much. Most pages have one or two pictures, which help with visualizing the information being read. Certain pieces of anecdotal information are not particularly useful, but some may find them interesting.

The book does not simply consist of information on Sylvia Earle. Besides the notes that are information on other people and water creatures, the book includes a Glossary, Sources and Further Reading.

The language used in the book is almost simplistic at times and certain situations seem to be a bit simplified. I would probably recommend "Just the Fact Biographies" for ages 11-15, although I can see it being used by struggling readers or ELLs at a HS level. ( )
  liliaabagi | Apr 18, 2012 |
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Describes the life of this groundbreaking marine biologist and diver, from her childhood in New Jersey and Florida to her deep sea explorations of the 1980s and 1990s.

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