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Chained: Create Gorgeous Chain Mail Jewelry One Ring at a Time

door Rebeca Mojica

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881316,728 (4.6)Geen
Unchain your creativity! Whether you are new to chain mail or a seasoned weaver, Chained will introduce you to the art of combining metal jump rings into intricate designs, in a new way. No other book shows how to use so many weaves in so many ways, or gives this ancient art such a beautiful and modern twist. Techniques once used for armor now have a new life and can be used to create elegant adornments. Open Chained and find:    * Clear, detailed step-by-step photos that will take you from opening and closing jump rings to finishing your first (or fiftieth!) project    * Easy-to-navigate "Weave in a Nutshell" options for many weaves that will show advanced chain mail weavers the weave of a project in just a few steps    * 22 beautiful projects plus dozens of variations, including earrings, bracelets, necklaces and pendants, each with its own skill level and time investment rating    * Endless options: choose your favorite colors, your favorite metals, customize the size of your project, and find inspiration to add your own unique stamp to any piece of chain mail jewelry Gather your pliers and piles of jump rings and weave your way to beautiful jewelry with Chained.… (meer)
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The best book to have to get started on chain maille! Wonderful use of colored rings which will pop jewelry designs. See full review with pictures here - ( )
  beadinggem | Jun 3, 2011 |
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Unchain your creativity! Whether you are new to chain mail or a seasoned weaver, Chained will introduce you to the art of combining metal jump rings into intricate designs, in a new way. No other book shows how to use so many weaves in so many ways, or gives this ancient art such a beautiful and modern twist. Techniques once used for armor now have a new life and can be used to create elegant adornments. Open Chained and find:    * Clear, detailed step-by-step photos that will take you from opening and closing jump rings to finishing your first (or fiftieth!) project    * Easy-to-navigate "Weave in a Nutshell" options for many weaves that will show advanced chain mail weavers the weave of a project in just a few steps    * 22 beautiful projects plus dozens of variations, including earrings, bracelets, necklaces and pendants, each with its own skill level and time investment rating    * Endless options: choose your favorite colors, your favorite metals, customize the size of your project, and find inspiration to add your own unique stamp to any piece of chain mail jewelry Gather your pliers and piles of jump rings and weave your way to beautiful jewelry with Chained.

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