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Collision Course (Titanic, No. 2) door…
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Collision Course (Titanic, No. 2) (origineel 2011; editie 2011)

door Gordon Korman (Auteur)

Reeksen: Titanic (Korman) (2)

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840727,127 (3.93)1
The Titanic has hit the high seas--and moves steadily toward its doom. Within the luxury of the cabins and the dark underbelly of the ship, mysteries unfold--a secret killer who may be on board, a legacy that may be jeopardized, and a vital truth that will soon be revealed. For Paddy, Sophie, Juliana, and Alfie, life on the Titanic brings both hiding and seeking, as their lives become irrevocably intertwined. And then, of course, an iceberg appears, and the stage is set for the final scene.… (meer)
Titel:Collision Course (Titanic, No. 2)
Auteurs:Gordon Korman (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic Paperbacks (2011), Edition: Original, 176 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:Level T

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Collision Course door Gordon Korman (2011)

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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
3.5 stars

Review to come! ( )
  BooksbyStarlight | Oct 25, 2022 |
Wow, "Collision Course" was nail-biting and the Titanic only hit the iceberg in the second-half of the book. With a murder attempt and Paddy trying to stay ahead of his pursuers, the action was intense. The friendship between Alfie, Julianna, Paddy and Sophie continued to strengthen and Juliana became a much stronger character after she discovered the real reason she was travelling to America with her father.

Fast paced, action packed and filled with suspense, "Collision Course" was a great example of how to capture young readers' interest in historical events. I am looking forward to the final instalment in the series. ( )
  HeatherLINC | Aug 20, 2020 |
Number two of the amazing series! I would recommend it for a book club! ( )
  Titaniac | Mar 24, 2013 |
The Titanic has hit the high seas--and moves steadily toward its doom. Within the luxury of the cabins and the dark underbelly of the ship, mysteries unfold--a secret killer who may be on board, a legacy that may be jeopardized, and a vital truth that will soon be revealed. For Paddy, Sophie, Juliana, and Alfie, life on the Titanic brings both hiding and seeking, as their lives become irrevocably intertwined.
And then, of course, an iceberg appears, and the stage is set for the final scene.I enjoyed this book just as much as the first and now am trying to get book 3 SOS ( )
  rata | Jun 10, 2012 |
This book is the second part of a three book series based on life shore lining on the infamous Titanic in the early 1900s. In this part of the series, four young adults witness a murder that takes place on the ship. This book would be appropriate for independent reading assignments for students in 5-6 grade. The central issues addressed in this book are crime, travel and the past.
  Kaberasturi | Nov 11, 2011 |
1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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The Titanic has hit the high seas--and moves steadily toward its doom. Within the luxury of the cabins and the dark underbelly of the ship, mysteries unfold--a secret killer who may be on board, a legacy that may be jeopardized, and a vital truth that will soon be revealed. For Paddy, Sophie, Juliana, and Alfie, life on the Titanic brings both hiding and seeking, as their lives become irrevocably intertwined. And then, of course, an iceberg appears, and the stage is set for the final scene.

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Gemiddelde: (3.93)
3 8
3.5 4
4 9
5 8

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