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Caressed by Moonlight (Rulers of Darkness, #1)

door Amanda J. Greene

Reeksen: Rulers of Darkness (1)

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Dorian Vlakhos is no ordinary aristocrat. He is a vampire king, who will do anything to save his clan from complete annihilation, before an ancient curse can claim his immortal life. Penniless and orphaned, Victoria Kingston has nothing to bring to a marriage, yet she must shackle an unsuspecting gentleman into marriage by the end of the month or forfeit her rights as guardian of her younger sister. With the help of her dearest friend, Victoria begins her hunt, and vows to stay far away from the dark, mysterious, Prince Vlakhos. After meeting the beautifully innocent Miss Kingston, Dorian had to have her. He would do absolutely anything to make Victoria his. One sweet stolen kiss would bring them together while a force, more powerful than any vampire, would bind them for all eternity, but treachery, war, and death rule Dorian's dark world and Victoria would be fortunate to survive.… (meer)
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Dorian Vlakhos is no ordinary aristocrat. He is a vampire king, who will do anything to save his clan from complete annihilation, before an ancient curse can claim his immortal life.

Penniless and orphaned, Victoria Kingston has nothing to bring to a marriage, yet she must shackle an unsuspecting gentleman into marriage by the end of the month or forfeit her rights as guardian of her younger sister. With the help of her dearest friend, Victoria begins her hunt, and vows to stay far away from the dark, mysterious, Dorian Vlakhos.

After meeting the beautifully innocent Miss Kingston, Dorian had to have her. He would do absolutely anything to make Victoria his. One sweet stolen kiss would bring them together while a force, more powerful than any vampire would bind them for all eternity. But treachery, war, and death rule Dorian’s dark world and Victoria would be fortunate to survive.


I was given this book in place for an honest review. This is book one of the "Rulers of Darkness" series, this book takes place around Dorian the king of his vampire clan, and Victoria an orphaned young woman just trying to keep her sister. Now while reading this book, it immediately had me engrossed. It however, reminded me of Lara Adrian's midnight breed series and of Christine Feehans Carpathian/ Dark series, but set in the Victorian time frame. Which is a good thing because both series and authors are quite amazing. I whipped through this and am glad the author sent me all 3 books. So I can just continue on with the stories without any delay. I definitely liked how this book ended because it set up the next book, that makes it 100% intriguing, and unfortunately I cannot tell you why because it will ruin a few things that need to be read in the first book. So with that being said, if you like authors like Lara Adrian and Christine Feehan, then definitely grab yourself a copy of "Caressed by Moonlight". You won't be disappointed.
( )
  hixxup79 | Feb 23, 2020 |
Very well written. I can't wait to read the next book in the series. ( )
  Jennifer-Book-Nympho | Mar 29, 2013 |
Very well written. I can't wait to read the next book in the series. ( )
  Jennifer-Book-Nympho | Mar 29, 2013 |
1814. Victoria and her little sister Margaret arrive in London after their mother died of illness and their father took his own life after losing his wife. They are homeless and penniless, and in the mercy of their Aunt who despises Victoria and her mother - which is why she has her own terms for their stay, Margaret will stay with her and Victoria has one month to find a husband before she is kicked out of her aunt's home. If these terms are not met Victoria will never see her sister again. Assigning her friends help she enters the balls of London society to snare a wealthy man with a title to keep her sister with her and manage to provide for them.

In the London society Dorian Vlakhos is known as the Prince, but he is not a womanizing aristocrat that his reputation paints him as, but a Vampire King, and he has his eyes set on the stunningly gorgeous Victoria, who is doing her very best to avoid the scandal that follows Prince Vlakhos and gain a respectable marriage, and rights to her sister. She cannot afford to fall for Prince Vlakhos, which is why as much frustration and anger as he makes her feel she is doomed by the other feelings he stirs within her. One sweet stolen kiss though makes it clear to Victoria she cannot spend any more time with the Prince and his openly forward courting her into his bed.

Not all is well back home with Dorian's Clan and hate and war spills even to the streets of London and now that Dorian's attention is on Victoria - so is the Hunter's.

Amazing debut by Amanda J. Greene! Paranormal Romance readers will find a new vampire to swoon over, Dorian Vlakhos, the King of the Mylonas Clan!

Wonderful book! Ah, I can't quite explain it, it's the suppressed women of 1800's and mixed with Vampires, Hunters and seduction it is a potent mix that makes you want to devour the book at one go. There is a delicious amount of sexual tension, hate, aggravation and attraction with Victoria and Dorian, and it keeps boiling over to the readers. In an age where appearances are everything and keeping your composure is critical a lot sure bubbles under the surface.

I loved the character of Victoria, she's strong and capable, but not in the 21st century girl in 1800's London kind of way, but strong within her limits in the society she lives in. She also warm and has a little spitfire attitude when it comes to Dorian which is so enjoyable to read. As is Dorian who grew on me immediately, he's over confident, cocky and possessive in the best possible way, he's the kind of vampire you dream at night, little wicked, sexy as hell and one who doesn't take no for an answer and keeps circling you until you give into his charm. ( )
  NiinaC | Mar 4, 2012 |
Every now and then you come across a book that is the first in the series and it’s so good you want to kick yourself for reading it. Not because it wasn’t good, because you think to yourself well damn now I have to wait a whole year to read about these characters again. Caressed by Moonlight is one of those books for me.

Amanda J. Greene has created a world in Caressed by Moonlight that you can really sink your teeth into. Set in 1814 England for most of the book, I honestly could envision all of the book. And I don’t generally care for historical romance, but Caressed by Moonlight was just so well done to me. She has also created characters that you want to continue reading about after the last page has been turned.

Speaking of characters I loved Victoria. Victoria has had every obstacle imaginable thrown her way, and every time she picks herself up and continues on. She was not some simple, wimpy girl. Victoria was strong, smart, and tenacious. Then Dorian comes into her life. Oh and talk about a hot vampire, not that she knows what he is at first. The chemistry between these two packed enough power to charge my eReader for eternity.

Caressed by Moonlight has everything! There is action, suspense, lots of sexual tension, family drama, and love. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this read.

I want the next one in this series, which will be out no later February 2012, and will be titled Caressed by Night. So, be on the lookout for that.

Happy Reading,
Rebecca ( )
  Bendingthespine | Oct 13, 2011 |
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Dorian Vlakhos is no ordinary aristocrat. He is a vampire king, who will do anything to save his clan from complete annihilation, before an ancient curse can claim his immortal life. Penniless and orphaned, Victoria Kingston has nothing to bring to a marriage, yet she must shackle an unsuspecting gentleman into marriage by the end of the month or forfeit her rights as guardian of her younger sister. With the help of her dearest friend, Victoria begins her hunt, and vows to stay far away from the dark, mysterious, Prince Vlakhos. After meeting the beautifully innocent Miss Kingston, Dorian had to have her. He would do absolutely anything to make Victoria his. One sweet stolen kiss would bring them together while a force, more powerful than any vampire, would bind them for all eternity, but treachery, war, and death rule Dorian's dark world and Victoria would be fortunate to survive.

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