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The Vampire Armand

door Anne Rice

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Reeksen: De Vampierkronieken (6)

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7,049511,338 (3.52)62
Fantasy. Fiction. Horror. Thriller. HTML:See the difference, read #1 bestselling author Anne Rice in Large Print

* About Large Print
All Random House Large Print editions are published in a 16-point typeface

In the latest installment of The Vampire Chronicles, Anne Rice summons up dazzling worlds to bring us the story of Armand - eternally young, with the face of a Botticelli angel. Armand, who first appeared in all his dark glory more than twenty years ago in the now-classic Interview with the Vampire, the first of The Vampire Chronicles, the novel that established its author worldwide as a magnificent storyteller and creator of magical realms.

Now, we go with Armand across the centuries to the Kiev Rus of his boyhood - a ruined city under Mongol dominion - and to ancient Constantinople, where Tartar raiders sell him into slavery. And in a magnificent palazzo in the Venice of the Renaissance we see him emotionally and intellectually in thrall to the great vampire Marius, who masquerades among humankind as a mysterious, reclusive painter and who will bestow upon Armand the gift of vampiric blood.

As the novel races to its climax, moving through scenes of luxury and elegance, of ambush, fire, and devil worship to nineteenth-century Paris and today's New Orleans, we see its eternally vulnerable and romantic hero forced to choose between his twilight immortality and the salvation of his immortal soul.
… (meer)
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1-5 van 51 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I enjoyed the first half of the book which shows Armand's life before becoming a vampire, the circumstances that caused Marius to make him one at an age younger than he had wished, but the second half for me was bogged down in religious blahblahblah that I didn't find interesting or thought-provoking. They are things Rice has brought up before in her other books. I find these bog down the story. Her writing has always been voluptuously delicious. I love her descriptions of Renaissance Italy. I am no prude, by any means, but sometimes her descriptions of younger boys and girls, teens and tweens make me uncomfortable. I know in this era, things were different, but her descriptions in many instances aren't called for.

I believe I only own one more book in the vampire series, but after this, I think I am done with Rice. I have so many books to read, that I don't have times for ones that I don't enjoy to the fullest. I LOVED Interview with the Vampire, but each successive book I liked less and less. :( ( )
  jezebellydancer | Apr 7, 2024 |
En esta sexta entrega de las Cronicas Vampiricas, Anne Rice nos ofrece la historia de Armand, el eterno joven agraciado con la cara de un angel de Boticelli, que aparecio por primera vez en la ya clasica Entrevista con el vampiro. Ahora acompañamos a Armand a traves de los siglos desde el Kiev de su infancia, pasando por la antigua Constantinopla hasta la Venecia del Renacimiento.
  Natt90 | Dec 11, 2022 |
Also a very good book... ( )
  Serenity17 | Nov 5, 2022 |
Fills in Armand's life. The movie really put me off Armand but this novel set it back on track. Not as engrossing as the first three vampire novels but an okay read. ( )
  Karen74Leigh | Sep 4, 2019 |
Anne Rice is the author to go to when you want to read a really good vampire novel. Not the type of vampire novels where vampires sparkle and are just too over the top (eye roll). This is vampires done well, with all the rich details and history to go along with them. I love this series and need to pick it back up again - I've gotten stuck on this one and need to push through it!
  justagirlwithabook | Aug 2, 2018 |
1-5 van 51 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (8 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Anne Riceprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Kesper, BarbaraVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Jesus, speaking to Mary Magdalene:

Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not;
for I am not yet ascended to my Father:
but go to my brethren, and say unto them,
I ascend unto my Father, and your Father;
and to my God, and your God.

The Gospel According to St. John 20:17
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Brandy Edwards,

Brain Robertson


Christopher and Michele Rice
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They said a child had died in the attic.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Horror. Thriller. HTML:See the difference, read #1 bestselling author Anne Rice in Large Print

* About Large Print
All Random House Large Print editions are published in a 16-point typeface

In the latest installment of The Vampire Chronicles, Anne Rice summons up dazzling worlds to bring us the story of Armand - eternally young, with the face of a Botticelli angel. Armand, who first appeared in all his dark glory more than twenty years ago in the now-classic Interview with the Vampire, the first of The Vampire Chronicles, the novel that established its author worldwide as a magnificent storyteller and creator of magical realms.

Now, we go with Armand across the centuries to the Kiev Rus of his boyhood - a ruined city under Mongol dominion - and to ancient Constantinople, where Tartar raiders sell him into slavery. And in a magnificent palazzo in the Venice of the Renaissance we see him emotionally and intellectually in thrall to the great vampire Marius, who masquerades among humankind as a mysterious, reclusive painter and who will bestow upon Armand the gift of vampiric blood.

As the novel races to its climax, moving through scenes of luxury and elegance, of ambush, fire, and devil worship to nineteenth-century Paris and today's New Orleans, we see its eternally vulnerable and romantic hero forced to choose between his twilight immortality and the salvation of his immortal soul.

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Gemiddelde: (3.52)
0.5 4
1 52
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2 136
2.5 18
3 429
3.5 54
4 403
4.5 19
5 271

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