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¡Marimba!: Animales From A to Z

door Pat Mora

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636430,197 (3.75)Geen
Juvenile Fiction. Picture Book Fiction. HTML:

After the visitors have left the zoo and the animals have settled down for the night, a mischievous monkey starts a ting-tong rhythm on the marimba and slowly the animals awaken. Lions and llamas samba and cougars and coyotes conga as all the animals join in the fun to create a rollicking fiesta. Infused with Mexican American flavor, ?MARIMBA! is a unique alphabet book that also introduces the concept of cognates—words in different languages that are similar. Young Spanish speakers will be delighted to find they are already familiar with twenty-six words in English, and English speakers with find they already know some Spanish. Author's note, pronunciation guide, rebus dictionary.

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6. This was a fun and bright book to read. I do think the author could have included more Spanish words. The notes in the back pointed out that they were trying to find cognates so students could feel they already know a lot of Spanish words or that a lot of them are similar.

7. This would be a fun book to share with the students on i pads. They would be able to hear the Spanish words as they read through the book.
  Infoinmedia545 | Jan 21, 2016 |
This book was a lot of fun with colorful illustrations of zoo animals dancing at night while the zookeepers sleep. It is in Spanish & English.... with alliterative words and names of animals to illustrate each letter of the alphabet.

I added some words & sounds when I read this book to keep up the interest in the story, not because the story is lacking, but my group is very not into listening...they prefer to be actively engaged: hence the dancing theme! ( )
  Auntie-Nanuuq | Jan 18, 2016 |
I enjoyed reading this funny alphabet book. It told a story about a monkey who woke up all the animals at the zoo with a marimba. This alphabet book introduces the concept of cognates to young readers. English readers will be surprised to know that they recognize some Spanish, and Spanish readers will be surprised to know that they recognize some English because of the similarity in spelling and pronunciation. This bilingual book can be used in the classroom to benefit ELL students because they can see the similarities in English and Spanish.
  amanna2 | May 13, 2015 |
Pat Mora and Doug Cushman’s Marimba! Animals from A to Z is an active story book showing dancing zoo animals in cognates of Spanish and English.
  SusanMcKinlay | May 30, 2013 |
Fun and exciting. This group of animals, once a year, have a party when the zoo keepers are "crooned" to sleep by a monkey. The "ting-tong" of the marimba wakens the animals and the singing and dancing begins. When the zoo keepers awake, what will become the fate of the animals? ( )
  1derlys | Apr 13, 2013 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Picture Book Fiction. HTML:

After the visitors have left the zoo and the animals have settled down for the night, a mischievous monkey starts a ting-tong rhythm on the marimba and slowly the animals awaken. Lions and llamas samba and cougars and coyotes conga as all the animals join in the fun to create a rollicking fiesta. Infused with Mexican American flavor, ?MARIMBA! is a unique alphabet book that also introduces the concept of cognates—words in different languages that are similar. Young Spanish speakers will be delighted to find they are already familiar with twenty-six words in English, and English speakers with find they already know some Spanish. Author's note, pronunciation guide, rebus dictionary.


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