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Wooden on Leadership: How to Create a…
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Wooden on Leadership: How to Create a Winning Organizaion (editie 2005)

door John Wooden (Auteur)

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334480,656 (4.05)1
"John Wooden's goal in 41 years of coaching never changed; namely, to get maximum effort and peak performance from each of his players in the manner that best served the team. Wooden on Leadership explains step-by-step how he pursued and accomplished this goal. Focusing on Wooden's 12 Lessons in Leadership and his acclaimed Pyramid of Success, it outlines the mental, emotional, and physical qualities essential to building a winning organization, and shows you how to develop the skill, confidence, and competitive fire to 'be at your best when your best is needed'--and teach your organization to do the same."--Resource description page.… (meer)
Titel:Wooden on Leadership: How to Create a Winning Organizaion
Auteurs:John Wooden (Auteur)
Info:McGraw Hill (2005), Edition: 1st, 302 pages
Verzamelingen:Te lezen

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Wooden on Leadership: How to Create a Winning Organization door John Wooden

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Toon 4 van 4
A must-read for fans of micromanagement and paternalism. ( )
  ProfH | May 18, 2024 |
There are not enough stars for this book. Yes a lot of it is common sense, yes a lot of it is not new but what makes it great is the consistency of philosophy and personality through this book. You know John Wooden lived all these principles daily and the book is as if he were standing next to you. I always struggle taking advice from sports book in to the real world as the principles are frequently not transferable or as effective outside the sports arena- but there is plenty of good advice if you want to listen. ( )
  muwaffaq | Mar 20, 2019 |
It is a great read if you are a coach, teacher or leader of any organization. ( )
  igloowade | Feb 16, 2009 |
I thought that the book started a little slow in Part 1. I really enjoyed the last two Parts, Part 2 and Part 3. I really liked learning about his organizational skills with time, and I also really liked learning about the detail that he used while coaching at UCLA. Although some parts of the book were somewhat slow I felt that all of the strategies and information that he shared will be very useful.

-Charlie Kelly ( )
  thelaxman010 | Dec 15, 2008 |
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"John Wooden's goal in 41 years of coaching never changed; namely, to get maximum effort and peak performance from each of his players in the manner that best served the team. Wooden on Leadership explains step-by-step how he pursued and accomplished this goal. Focusing on Wooden's 12 Lessons in Leadership and his acclaimed Pyramid of Success, it outlines the mental, emotional, and physical qualities essential to building a winning organization, and shows you how to develop the skill, confidence, and competitive fire to 'be at your best when your best is needed'--and teach your organization to do the same."--Resource description page.

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Gemiddelde: (4.05)
1.5 1
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3.5 3
4 9
4.5 2
5 16

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