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S.O.S. (Titanic, No. 3) door Gordon Korman
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S.O.S. (Titanic, No. 3) (editie 2011)

door Gordon Korman (Auteur)

Reeksen: Titanic (Korman) (3)

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808728,456 (3.83)Geen
"Four young characters -- with reasons to hide and secrets to keep -- are in for the journey of their lives in this fantastic Titanic trilogy from mystery and suspense master Gordon Korman"--Publisher.
Titel:S.O.S. (Titanic, No. 3)
Auteurs:Gordon Korman (Auteur)
Info:Turtleback Books (2011), Edition: Reprint, 176 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:Level T

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S.O.S. door Gordon Korman

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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
S.O.S was the least favourite book in this series. I enjoyed the drama and tension that was felt as Alfie, Paddy, Juliana and Sophie tried to stay alive as the greatest ship even made headed towards its watery grave, but the ending was rushed and I was left feeling disappointed. However, overall, this was an exciting series for younger readers and I would happily recommend it to those looking for action and suspense. ( )
  HeatherLINC | Apr 2, 2023 |
I read this series just after the Everest series by Korman, and, just, seriously stop killing your protagonists! For a book aimed at junior high students, no punches are pulled in that regard and I have to applaud that decision. It would have been far too easy to have them all survive, and I'm happy in a weird way that they all didn't. I'm also sort of not upset that Alfie died, since that plot line had the least loose ends.

Besides that, I think the Jack the Ripper storyline was all right and concluded really the only way it could have. This book was good, not as good, in my opinion, as the Everest or Island series, but still good. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

Just, Korman, please stop with the protagonist death! ( )
  worddragon | Mar 2, 2022 |
I particularly enjoy books about the Titantic. I know how they end. The real characters who died, still die. The ones who lived, lived. The fictional characters either drown or are saved. Same stories. Korman does a good job, though, with the character development in these books for middle grade readers. ( )
  RobertaLea | Apr 5, 2021 |
Sadly the last of the series, but a very touching ending (not going to tell you!) and an excellent way to end a series. ( )
  Titaniac | Mar 24, 2013 |
I'm pleased that i read the conclusion to the adventure aboard the unluckiest ship of all, The Titanic.
The Titanic was supposed to be unsinkable - the largest passenger steamship in the world, one of the biggest and most luxurious ships ever to operate.
For Paddy, Sophie, Juliana, and Alfie, this final book sees their friendship torn apart as they deal with the sinking of the Titanic, the inevitable death of Alfie and the fleeing of Paddy from Gilhooley. There are glimpses of suspense as Alfie and then Juliana deal to Matherson (Jack the Ripper) who eventually drowns. Throughout the book the four of them desperately try to look out for each other and try not to go down with the ship. ( )
  rata | Aug 14, 2012 |
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"Four young characters -- with reasons to hide and secrets to keep -- are in for the journey of their lives in this fantastic Titanic trilogy from mystery and suspense master Gordon Korman"--Publisher.

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Gemiddelde: (3.83)
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4 7
4.5 1
5 6

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