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Last Call

door Jennifer Schmidt

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1881,225,447 (3.78)3
While on vacation, a night out turns into a drunken haze, and Novalee Jensen wakes up hung over, confused, and… married? Fleeing Nevada, Novalee returns home to Montana to hide out, dreading the moment when her husband will show up to take her hard-earned business. But two years later just when Novalee thinks her secret is safe, guess who walks through her door? Now, face-to-face with the man she left in a hotel room two years ago, Novalee discovers the difficult part isn't having to explain her actions that night, or the questions that arise about the sexy stranger's arrival, it's keeping her hands off her husband. And what's Novalee to do when the hardest part turns out not to be confronting her past, but facing a possible future without her soon-to-be ex-husband? Multi-millionaire Dean Philips wakes up in a Las Vegas hotel room to find the pretty blonde he married the night before gone. The piece of paper he possesses proves she served her purpose, and guilt ridden over his actions, Dean begins a battle with his father for a fight for his grandfather’s fortune. When Dean is ordered to have his wife appear in court, he finds himself in a small town in Montana, looking for the woman who ran off two years ago. Caught up in secrets and lies of his own, he has to find a way to persuade her to come back to Vegas with him without having her find out that she's the missing puzzle piece to everything he's been fighting for. But when Dean decides to mix a little pleasure with business, he suddenly finds himself in unfamiliar territory that could cost him everything.… (meer)
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1-5 van 9 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchanged for my honest review. I would like to thank them.
This was a great read it's very light and comical, plus it might just make you cry in places. I can't believe this is a debut novel by Jennifer Schmidt, I can't wait to see what else she has coming down our way.

This is about a young woman who has been dealt some tough breaks in life and even though things have settled down for her and she has a nice comfortable life in Montana with a home, plus she has bought and renovated an old bar and grill that is doing a good business. She is still lonely, so she decides to do something that is totally against her character and goes to Vegas alone for the weekend. The last night in a Casino she finds herself totally mesmerized by this man that seems pretty smitten by her as well. She just can't believe her good luck. She lets him buy her drinks and she has such a great time with him. She getting pretty tipsy towards the end of the evening and does something unthinkable for her. She wakes up in the morning in his bed with an awful headache and a plane to catch back to Montana. It's not her practise to spend the night with men she just meets. While she is slinking around trying to gather her clothing she trips over a document, she picks it up and it's a marriage certificate with her and his name on it dated last night. She grabs it and tucks it away and tries to forget about it. She doesn't tell her best friend about it and just hopes that nothing comes of it.
Two years later this tall dark stranger appears at the bar looking for her which is kind of strange because she doesn't date, she leads a pretty solitude life with her cat and dog. The trouble begins when Dean happens to remind her of their marriage. He had his own reason for them to get married but now he is needing to prove that she is and has been his wife for the past two years so he can collect on a sizable inheritance that his Grandfather left to him only with a clause that he be married before he would be able to receive. It's a nasty court battle between him and his deadbeat of a dad on who will should inherit the sizeable estate. His father has been contesting him the whole way. I loved the sexy banter between Novalee and her best friend, Calli as well as the dialog between Dean and herself. This is a great book and I highly recommend it. ( )
  sj1335 | Aug 10, 2015 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I was not sure if I would like this book or not, I am not usually into drunken, what the crap did I just do, moments but this story made it work. It was very cute, the heroine was very real and uncertain of herself. The hero I was not sure if he would redeem himself at first but he did. An enjoyable read. ( )
  froggykm | Mar 25, 2013 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
After a wild night in Vegas Novalee and Dean end up married. Two years later he shows up...

I really enjoyed this book, it was a fun contemporary romance.
  MaisieD | Feb 5, 2013 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
While on vacation, a night out turns into a drunken haze, and Novalee Jensen wakes up hung over, confused, and… married? Fleeing Nevada, Novalee returns home to Montana to hide out, dreading the moment when her husband will show up to take her hard-earned business. But two years later just when Novalee thinks her secret is safe, guess who walks through her door? Now, face-to-face with the man she left in a hotel room two years ago, Novalee discovers the difficult part isn't having to explain her actions that night, or the questions that arise about the sexy stranger's arrival, it's keeping her hands off her husband. And what's Novalee to do when the hardest part turns out not to be confronting her past, but facing a possible future without her soon-to-be ex-husband?

Multi-millionaire Dean Philips wakes up in a Las Vegas hotel room to find the pretty blonde he married the night before gone. The piece of paper he possesses proves she served her purpose, and guilt ridden over his actions, Dean begins a battle with his father for a fight for his grandfather’s fortune. When Dean is ordered to have his wife appear in court, he finds himself in a small town in Montana, looking for the woman who ran off two years ago. Caught up in secrets and lies of his own, he has to find a way to persuade her to come back to Vegas with him without having her find out that she's the missing puzzle piece to everything he's been fighting for. But when Dean decides to mix a little pleasure with business, he suddenly finds himself in unfamiliar territory that could cost him everything.

I liked this one. What started out as a fairly typical romance plot was made just that little bit better by the realism of the feelings and events. There was no easy acceptance on Novalee’s part of the lies, nor was Dean completely comfortable with lying in the first place. I also liked how Novalee’s past was dealt with – she’s damaged but not broken, and there are no magical solutions, just Novalee doing her best to move on with her life. The writing style of this book was pleasant as well. All in all, I enjoyed this book. ( )
  Samantha_kathy | Dec 11, 2011 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I really enjoyed this book. It was a fun read and it kept me up way past my bed time :). I was getting stuck in a rut of reading similar plots over and over again, but this was refreshing. ( )
  VmpGirl | Nov 21, 2011 |
1-5 van 9 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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While on vacation, a night out turns into a drunken haze, and Novalee Jensen wakes up hung over, confused, and… married? Fleeing Nevada, Novalee returns home to Montana to hide out, dreading the moment when her husband will show up to take her hard-earned business. But two years later just when Novalee thinks her secret is safe, guess who walks through her door? Now, face-to-face with the man she left in a hotel room two years ago, Novalee discovers the difficult part isn't having to explain her actions that night, or the questions that arise about the sexy stranger's arrival, it's keeping her hands off her husband. And what's Novalee to do when the hardest part turns out not to be confronting her past, but facing a possible future without her soon-to-be ex-husband? Multi-millionaire Dean Philips wakes up in a Las Vegas hotel room to find the pretty blonde he married the night before gone. The piece of paper he possesses proves she served her purpose, and guilt ridden over his actions, Dean begins a battle with his father for a fight for his grandfather’s fortune. When Dean is ordered to have his wife appear in court, he finds himself in a small town in Montana, looking for the woman who ran off two years ago. Caught up in secrets and lies of his own, he has to find a way to persuade her to come back to Vegas with him without having her find out that she's the missing puzzle piece to everything he's been fighting for. But when Dean decides to mix a little pleasure with business, he suddenly finds himself in unfamiliar territory that could cost him everything.

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Jennifer Schmidt's boek Last Call was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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