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Shoah: Journey from the Ashes : A Personal Story of Triumph over the Holocaust

door Leo Fettman

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Shoah includes an historical prologue which chronicles the 2000 years of anti-Semitism which led inexorably to Hitler's Final Solution and the creation of death camps whose names still reek of the horrors that occurred in them -- Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz. It was in Auschwitz that Cantor Fettman lost nearly every member of his immediate family.With honesty and self-examination, Cantor Fettman relates how he was forced to work in the crematorium, was experimented on by the infamous Dr. Mengele, was shunted from one forced labor camp to another, and how he survived a bungled attempt by a Nazi SS officer to hang him. He describes how, through it all, his faith was tested yet grew stronger as a result of the ordeals.Shoah also examines the motives behind those who are attempting to revise or even deny the fact that the Holocaust ever occurred. Also included is a look into the hate-based groups that are proliferating today.Cantor Fettman's theme throughout the book is one of tolerance, acceptance, hope, and love, all while remaining vigilant and remembering the past in order to avoid in the future such evils as the Holocaust. He travels throughout the United States speaking to audiences of all ages about the Holocaust and Judaism. Shoah will enable even larger audiences to hear his important message.… (meer)
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  JohnMeeks | Feb 3, 2009 |
  JohnMeeks | Feb 3, 2009 |
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Shoah includes an historical prologue which chronicles the 2000 years of anti-Semitism which led inexorably to Hitler's Final Solution and the creation of death camps whose names still reek of the horrors that occurred in them -- Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz. It was in Auschwitz that Cantor Fettman lost nearly every member of his immediate family.With honesty and self-examination, Cantor Fettman relates how he was forced to work in the crematorium, was experimented on by the infamous Dr. Mengele, was shunted from one forced labor camp to another, and how he survived a bungled attempt by a Nazi SS officer to hang him. He describes how, through it all, his faith was tested yet grew stronger as a result of the ordeals.Shoah also examines the motives behind those who are attempting to revise or even deny the fact that the Holocaust ever occurred. Also included is a look into the hate-based groups that are proliferating today.Cantor Fettman's theme throughout the book is one of tolerance, acceptance, hope, and love, all while remaining vigilant and remembering the past in order to avoid in the future such evils as the Holocaust. He travels throughout the United States speaking to audiences of all ages about the Holocaust and Judaism. Shoah will enable even larger audiences to hear his important message.

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