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The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in…
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The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (origineel 2012; editie 2012)

door Charles Duhigg (Auteur)

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7,0682371,355 (3.89)89
Volgens Duhigg zijn onze dagelijkse keuzes het resultaat van onze gewoontes, i.p.v. weloverwogen beslissingen. Hij gelooft dat we die gewoontes kunnen veranderen als we begrijpen hoe ze werken. Over het ontstaan van gewoontes en de omgang daarmee in de bedrijfscultuur en de samenleving.
Titel:The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
Auteurs:Charles Duhigg (Auteur)
Info:Random House (2012), Edition: Illustrated, 400 pages
Verzamelingen:Still to Finish, Government, Teen Books, Jouw bibliotheek, Verlanglijst, Aan het lezen, Te lezen, Gelezen, maar niet in bezit, Favorieten

Informatie over het werk

Macht der gewoonte waarom we doen wat we doen en hoe we dat kunnen veranderen door Charles Duhigg (2012)

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    mene: In "The Power of Habit", it is described why people do things a certain way. The reason people buy so many things is also explained. "No Impact Man" is a good example of someone changing their habits (in a very extreme way). The author of "No Impact Man" also talks about why people buy so many things, among other things.… (meer)
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1-5 van 246 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I was intrigued by the title, which I somehow interpreted that maybe this would be a nifty read chock full of neuroscience, explaining why we do what we do in all that brainy good detail I enjoyed from other books, such as Buddha's Brain (why I interpreted it that way, I don't know; I'm just eager to read anything about psychology/neurosciences that becomes available at my library).... So, that said, I'm left disappointed, as this didn't match my expectations.

Also, I'm personally not a fan of the overall style of this book, e.g., the jumping back and forth between stories; nor am I fan of the author presenting a story as if he was there, a fly on the wall taking it in as it unfolds. But, kudos to the author for making/finding a correlation to habits in the different stories he tells, as I'd otherwise would not have made the connection. (Rosa Parks' story? Who knew? But I can't remember the correlation now.... Something more on a societal scale, but still it escapes me. And I'm not saying that flippantly, I honestly can't remember.)

Two to not-quite-three stars: two due to my personal tastes in writing-style, and almost making it to three because at least I learned something new (a better grasp of the history of the Montgomery Bus Strike).

( )
  metta | Jun 30, 2024 |
Earlier this year I saw Charles Duhigg was releasing Supercommunicators - How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection. Keenly anticipating the pearls of wisdom within yet frustrated by the future dated release, I noticed he had an earlier title The Power of Habit - Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change.

Every now and again I feel ready for some self improvement and self help literature, so I decided to try The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. I'm always hopeful I'll experience an 'a-ha' moment or discover a new insight that'll help me achieve my goals.

In retrospect, I should have just waited for Supercommunicators, but I had one particular habit I wanted to change by mid year and was optimistic this book might give me a new perspective or strategy to try. Instead Duhigg didn't offer this reader anything new.

There were plenty of examples of workplace habits and habits embedded in a range of companies and industries which I interpreted as mere company culture. Examples highlighted the benefits of changing individual habits for better practices across the workforce, but this just left me feeling like I'd read a business book on change management.

Listening to the audiobook, I also began to notice a repetition in the text read by the narrator that I might not have noticed in print; in fact I'm sure I wouldn't. When recounting pretty much anything - an anecdote from a worker or employee for instance - the author would say the person "told me". Well, I'd love to be able to count the number of times the author/narrator said "she/he/someone told me" because I'm sure it'd be impressive, but perhaps it's better I don't. Besides, it's time better spent reading anyway.

Ultimately The Power of Habit - Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change by Charles Duhigg didn't offer me any new insights into habits and behaviour, but perhaps that's not surprising given this isn't my first time reading a book about habits. Perhaps it's becoming a habit? (pun intended).

The Power of Habit - Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change by Charles Duhigg is a solid read recommended for readers new to the topic. ( )
  Carpe_Librum | May 2, 2024 |
I gleaned a lot of great information out of this book. Definitely going to have to let it digest and re-read at some point.

Everything from learning how habits are formed to how to use that to your advantage is packed in here. Another great section is all about how others are using your built-in habit loops against you. ( )
  teejayhanton | Mar 22, 2024 |
Right, THAT'S why I don't read generic business popsci self help books.
  caedocyon | Feb 23, 2024 |
Terrific book. I have a whole new outlook on coupons I get from Kroger and Target. ( )
  dhenn31 | Jan 24, 2024 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

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Volgens Duhigg zijn onze dagelijkse keuzes het resultaat van onze gewoontes, i.p.v. weloverwogen beslissingen. Hij gelooft dat we die gewoontes kunnen veranderen als we begrijpen hoe ze werken. Over het ontstaan van gewoontes en de omgang daarmee in de bedrijfscultuur en de samenleving.

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