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He Ascended Into Heaven: Learn to Live an Ascension-Shaped Life

door Tim Perry

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To miss the meaning of the Ascension is to miss what God wants from us today    "I hope you'll now join me alongside a group of baffled disciples squinting into the sky trying to make sense of what they have just experienced," begins Tim Perry in this first-of-its-kind book. Across time and space, Christians have confessed "He ascended into Heaven" in their creeds, these words that state how Jesus returned to the Father in this miraculous way. But what do they actually mean? Tim Perry offers a close reading of the Ascension moment and doctrine, reflecting on how the Ascension colors perceptions of who Jesus was and is, and challenged Christ's contemporary disciples. Far from an apologetic defense of the miracle, this innovative book challenges readers that - to understand the truth of Christ's Ascending into heaven - is to become a person who has prepared to do something remarkably similar.   "Were the angel that spoke to the disciples on Ascension Day to come to one of our churches or faith communities, I can almost hear that angel shout into our endless, aimless busy-ness, "Stop! Look Up!" Why? We've lost our words. Unlike the disciples, we have lost the ability to believe in and be changed by the Ascension."… (meer)
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This slim, popular level volume aims at helping contemporary Christians recover the significance of the ascension for the Christian life. Perry & Perry contend that this is a doctrine, affirmed in the Creeds but not thought much of, or demythologized by contemporary critics rather than celebrated as a historical event.

The Perry brothers argue that the Ascension happened and because it happened the events Christ's Incarnation, His Death and Resurrection are given their full meaning. They also discuss the paradoxical nature of Christ's absence and presence for us.

On a 'practical side' they talk about how the ascension impacts the Christian Life by examining confession, martyrdom and the sacraments.

This book is more suggestive than conclusive. In my mind the authors talk about more than "ascension" though they view the ascension as the capstone of Christ's earthly work. I read this thinking ahead to Ascension day next week. As a not particularly liturgical Christian, I found this book fruitful for thinking through the significance of Christ's ascension but I am following up reading it with Douglas Farrow's meatier Ascension and Ecclesia. ( )
  Jamichuk | May 22, 2017 |
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To miss the meaning of the Ascension is to miss what God wants from us today    "I hope you'll now join me alongside a group of baffled disciples squinting into the sky trying to make sense of what they have just experienced," begins Tim Perry in this first-of-its-kind book. Across time and space, Christians have confessed "He ascended into Heaven" in their creeds, these words that state how Jesus returned to the Father in this miraculous way. But what do they actually mean? Tim Perry offers a close reading of the Ascension moment and doctrine, reflecting on how the Ascension colors perceptions of who Jesus was and is, and challenged Christ's contemporary disciples. Far from an apologetic defense of the miracle, this innovative book challenges readers that - to understand the truth of Christ's Ascending into heaven - is to become a person who has prepared to do something remarkably similar.   "Were the angel that spoke to the disciples on Ascension Day to come to one of our churches or faith communities, I can almost hear that angel shout into our endless, aimless busy-ness, "Stop! Look Up!" Why? We've lost our words. Unlike the disciples, we have lost the ability to believe in and be changed by the Ascension."

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