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Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink': A Calvin…
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Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink': A Calvin and Hobbes Collection (origineel 1991; editie 1991)

door Bill Watterson

Reeksen: Casper en Hobbes (6)

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3,968123,212 (4.58)5
Cartoons follow the adventures of imaginative young Calvin and his stuffed tiger, Hobbes, as they cope with bullies, babysitters, and the other everyday problems of growing up.
Titel:Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink': A Calvin and Hobbes Collection
Auteurs:Bill Watterson
Info:Andrews McMeel Publishing (1991), Paperback
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Wetenschappelijke vooruitgang klinkt als boink door Bill Watterson (1991)

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1-5 van 11 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This was a good collection but compared to the excellent books so far in the series, this one felt quite repetitive with similar gags making a reappearance. I did love the title story though. And the one with Rosalyn the babysitter. It's still Calvin and Hobbes, so I can't go below four stars. It's impossible. ( )
  RoshReviews | Jul 30, 2024 |
Another great collection of Calvin & Hobbes adventures. Apparently this book is centred around the theme of science (which we all know Calvin is a fan of, what with his exploration of space and time), but it was pretty much a typical mixed bag of comics that cover all themes. We get a bit of Susie, a dash of the Boys Only Club, plenty of mutilated snowmen and whining about Winter not coming soon enough, a bit of drama with the ever-abused babysitter, and more than enough high-jinx to satisfy admirers of Calvin & Hobbes’ chaotic lifestyle. ( )
  JaimieRiella | Feb 25, 2021 |
This collection includes my absolute favorite Calvin and Hobbes story, the Duplicator. It's even where the title comes from for this one. Calvin makes a duplicate of himself to do his homework for him, but of course it all goes horribly wrong.

Calvin and Hobbes remains, in my mind, the greatest comic strip ever created. Using the power of Calvin's imagination, Watterson can allow himself to write practically any story he wants, play with any art style he's in the mood for. That and the genius writing, when Calvin gets to ponder life's deepest mysteries, are what make this comic so great.

That's also what makes it so endearing. It's something worth coming back to time and again. ( )
1 stem regularguy5mb | Dec 17, 2016 |
Calvin and Hobbes are my go-to best friends. In lieu of the failure of real people to help me out of a slump, lying on the floor and reading about the boy and stuffed tiger bicker about the rules of Calvin Ball or whining about Susie, the Girl-Next-Door always, always brings a smile to my face. Calvin and Hobbes offers so many things - many people enjoy pointing out the serious and political undertones of the strip - but for me, all I need to do is see the childlike innocence that I miss and I'm charmed. ( )
  Morteana | Jan 27, 2016 |
Calvin and Hobbes is one of the best loved of comic strips, and is equally appreciated by children and adults. It ran as a syndicated strip only from 1985 through 1995. However, it lives on through compilations such as this one.

This book offers an excellent collection of Calvin and Hobbes' funniest cartoons. My favorites are among the ones presented here. Five stars for this collection ! ( )
4 stem danielx | Nov 28, 2009 |
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Cartoons follow the adventures of imaginative young Calvin and his stuffed tiger, Hobbes, as they cope with bullies, babysitters, and the other everyday problems of growing up.

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Gemiddelde: (4.58)
1 1
2 2
2.5 3
3 32
3.5 9
4 134
4.5 25
5 375

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