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Damon (The Protectors, #1)

door Teresa Gabelman

Reeksen: The Protectors (1)

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976288,988 (3.34)Geen
Damon DeMasters is a vampire warrior who has taken an oath to not only protect his own kind, but humans as well. Crimson Rush is the new drug and it's their duty to find who is behind the selling of vampire blood and stop it. As a social worker, Nicole Callahan fights for the right of every child placed in her care. There's a war now as vampires have stepped out into the spotlight taking their place in society and the children are at the heart of it all. Damon and his fellow warriors have been ordered by the Vampire Council to train Nicole and her colleagues against the dangers they now face in their new world. Even as sparks fly and tensions mount, Nicole and Damon depend on each other to protect the children of both races.… (meer)
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1-5 van 6 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Not bad but typical, reminds me of brotherhhod serires but not as good ( )
  Renegadefx | Sep 21, 2023 |
Snarky, witty, laughable, loveable characters. Gotta love'em. Good character & plot development with descent sex scenes & drama. Just wished everyone was like the Nicole character......The world would be a much better place. ( )
  BookJunkie777 | Oct 16, 2016 |
Paranormal Romance. Protectors 1. Vampire warrior Damon and social worker Nicole. Crimson rush/ vampires are known and fostered. OK-
( )
  C4RO | Jun 2, 2015 |
I won this book from a contest on Black Words White Pages blog. I loved, loved, loved Damon. Everyone needs a Damon in their life. What an easily likeable character in every single way.
The story is about Nicole who is working as a case worker for vampire and human children. She can understand the foster care system as she was in one as she grew up. When Damon and his crew are brought in to teach her class defensive moves, a fire rises between the two that will connect them more than either of them could imagine. But Nicole has a price on her head and needs someone to protect her now. Will she be safe and not allow harm to come to those around her? Can Damon keep her safe? Ms. Gabelman, I am the true winner in this contest to be able to read your works. ( )
  JacquieTalento | Aug 30, 2012 |
*Received e-book through Read It and Reap program from the Shut Up and Read! Goodreads group from author for an honest review
**also posted on under Leanne

Damon (The Protector Series) tells the story of Nicole Callahan, a social worker working with vampire children fostered by human parents. She comes across cases where the parents are torturing and bleeding the vampire children to sell their addictive, potent blood (aka Crimson Rush) to dealers. Similarly, protectors, known as the Vampire Council Warriors, are assigned to train the human social workers in self-defense to better prepare them for hostilities. These warriors are run by the male protagonist, Damon, to whom Nicole instantly feels an attraction. During the course of the book, she comes under fire from an unknown, angry at her success at stopping the atrocities to the vampire children, and obtains her own vampire guard. Can she resist her new protector and will Damon reciprocate her feelings?

I thought the character of Nicole, a tough, acerbic woman with a heart, was endearing. I loved her witty dialogue with her boss, Mitch, and her girl-talk with Pam, the only other female social worker in the department. I admired her dedication to her job as a social worker and her genuine concern for the vampire children under her charge. Gabelman also made Nicole more empathetic by illustrating her past in the foster care system. In addition, I enjoyed the sexual tension between Nicole and Damon, which was palpable off the pages. Gabelman also introduced strong secondary characters in Pam and Jared, another vampire warrior. I especially loved the character of Jared, who acted like a true best friend to both Nicole and Damon as they maneuvered around their feelings for each other. All these elements combined to add depth and intensity to the plot.

On the other hand, I had just one issue with the book. I felt there were too many references to other vampire series that distracted me while I was reading it. I was reminded of J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series (the elite vampire warriors and the mating bond), Stephanie Meier’s Twilight series (the mind reading power and resistance by the beloved woman), and Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse series (vampire blood as a drug). I would have liked more originality in the details.

Overall, Damon was a fast, entertaining read (I finished this in one sitting) with heated sensuality and engaging characters. I am eager to read the sequel with the teaser cliffhanger ending. I would recommend this book to fans of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward, the Demonica series of Larissa Ione, and general adult paranormal romances. ( )
  LeanneSF | May 24, 2012 |
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Damon DeMasters is a vampire warrior who has taken an oath to not only protect his own kind, but humans as well. Crimson Rush is the new drug and it's their duty to find who is behind the selling of vampire blood and stop it. As a social worker, Nicole Callahan fights for the right of every child placed in her care. There's a war now as vampires have stepped out into the spotlight taking their place in society and the children are at the heart of it all. Damon and his fellow warriors have been ordered by the Vampire Council to train Nicole and her colleagues against the dangers they now face in their new world. Even as sparks fly and tensions mount, Nicole and Damon depend on each other to protect the children of both races.

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3 14
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5 7

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