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ttyl (Talk to You Later-Internet Girls) door…
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ttyl (Talk to You Later-Internet Girls) (origineel 2004; editie 2005)

door Lauren Myracle

Reeksen: Internet Girls (1)

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Chronicles, in "instant message" format, the day-to-day experiences, feelings, and plans of three friends, Zoe, Maddie, and Angela, as they begin tenth grade.
Titel:ttyl (Talk to You Later-Internet Girls)
Auteurs:Lauren Myracle
Info:Harry N. Abrams, Inc. (2005), Paperback, 234 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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ttyl door Lauren Myracle (2004)

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Engels (73)  Japans (1)  Alle talen (74)
1-5 van 74 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
{my thoughts} - This book is about the lives of three tenth graders. Zoe {zoegirl}, Madigan {mad maddie}, and Angela {snowangel}. Zoe has a teacher named Mr. H that she seems to be highly interested in and he shows special interest in her – he even invites her to something called Friday Morning Fellowship at his church. Madigan appears to be bullied or mad fun of by this other girl in their grade named Jana. And Angela appears to be the only one in the {winsome threesome} that has a major hang up with guys.

Madigan is also obsessed with online quizzes. She is constantly taking them and having Zoe and Angela take them as well. The quizzes are interesting to say the least but they also help to show more of the personality in which the girls have hidden in their IM conversations. They help to show more of who the girls really are deep down inside things that in most cases are not displayed appropriately when all you have to go off of are words on a screen.

I have to say that I love the references that it makes to my teenage or earlier years. There are references to {7th heaven}, {lizzie mcguire}, {that 70′s show},{gilmore girls}, and {kim possible}.

It’s easy to like this book as it deals with situations most high school students deal with. The are of dating, being accepted by others, trying to just fit in, best friends, family drama, the desire to be liked by those that appear to be better then you, finding your own way, and trying to hold onto everything that has meaning to you. It’s hard to accept that things change and once you reach high school things will certainly take a turn for better or worse and you won’t always remain close to those you were before hand. It’s difficult when your forced to grow up even when your not ready to.

It nice to be able to read a book that has the ability to relate to you in one way or another let it be through past, present or future endeavors. The biggest issue I had with reading this book is that it’s written in the form or IM and as we all know I am not a fan of the diary formatting for a book either, so this isn’t at the top of my book to read list. It still seem to have a nice story line that is easy to follow and well thought out.
{reason for reading} - I bought it some time ago and never got around to reading it completely through. The first time that I had tried the IM format bothered me so much I threw it back on the bookshelf. I decided since I owned it I would give it another go and I’m not as disappointed in the book as I had thought I was going to be. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
This is the kind of book I would have liked back in... Grade 3? Maybe... But now? Ohmigosh nooooo.

If you can't tell, this book is aimed towards middle school pre-teens who are gossip-y and love drama. It's a great book for that soap-opera loving pre-teen who would DIE for Pretty Little Liars and that kind of book/television show.

The book feels like a journal of some kid who's just wailing about how much their life sucks and how they will literally DIE if they do not get that nail polish they asked for. Like, literally. Super literally. Not like, fake literally. These girls are whiny, superficial and feel like the popular girls who go "OHMIIIIIGOOOOOOSH." It felt whiny.

It is a book I wanted to read when it came out though, but I am now not the age group for it. I completely understand why and can appreciate that, but it's not for me. Before the haters jump in... I am allowed to go back and read a book I wanted to read but could not due to my financial situation being a teenager without money due to helping a sick parent financially. I don't have to like the book. I can read a book that wasn't aimed for me and see if I like it. Whoo, let the haters roll in....

One out of five stars. ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
eww ( )
  nagshead2112 | Apr 27, 2021 |
eww ( )
  nagshead2112 | Apr 27, 2021 |
This is the kind of YA fiction that makes me feel old. ( )
  resoundingjoy | Jan 1, 2021 |
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SnowAngel: hey, mads! 1st day of 10th grade down the tube--wh-hoo!
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

Chronicles, in "instant message" format, the day-to-day experiences, feelings, and plans of three friends, Zoe, Maddie, and Angela, as they begin tenth grade.

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Gemiddelde: (3.34)
0.5 3
1 23
2 49
2.5 8
3 84
3.5 24
4 72
4.5 8
5 61

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