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I Can Do It Myself! (Empowerment Series)

door Stephen Krensky

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682401,644 (4.17)Geen
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Children and parents alike will delight in this joyous declaration of toddler independence. This book celebrates the feats of growing out of babyhood and starting to embrace the world on your own terms. Whether it's being tall enough to reach a high shelf or brave enough to splash in the waves, Krensky and Gillingham address the small victories that come with growing just a little bit older. Energentic text and retro-fresh illustrations celebrate this important developmental stage with charm and relevance.

Note: illustrations are in the style of vintage screen prints, with imperfect variations in color and texture.

Praise for I Can Do It Myself

"Short and satisfying, these 'empowering celebrations' of burgeoning independence will encourage small children to see how far they've already come."

The Wall Street Journal

"Krensky celebrates the increasing independence of toddlers and their pride of accomplishment."

The Horn Book


The Canadian Children's Book Centre's Best Books for Kids & Teens - Spring 2013

Toronto Public Library system's “First & Best" Reading Program

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This book talks about a toddler growing up. They are learning how to do things for themselves. They can now but on there own shoes, coats. They are learning how to be independent without so much help from their parents. They are learning how to do things on their own.
Source- pierce college library
  dfranklin18 | Feb 26, 2018 |
A great book to share with toddlers. ( )
  Sullywriter | Apr 3, 2013 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Children and parents alike will delight in this joyous declaration of toddler independence. This book celebrates the feats of growing out of babyhood and starting to embrace the world on your own terms. Whether it's being tall enough to reach a high shelf or brave enough to splash in the waves, Krensky and Gillingham address the small victories that come with growing just a little bit older. Energentic text and retro-fresh illustrations celebrate this important developmental stage with charm and relevance.

Note: illustrations are in the style of vintage screen prints, with imperfect variations in color and texture.

Praise for I Can Do It Myself

"Short and satisfying, these 'empowering celebrations' of burgeoning independence will encourage small children to see how far they've already come."

The Wall Street Journal

"Krensky celebrates the increasing independence of toddlers and their pride of accomplishment."

The Horn Book


The Canadian Children's Book Centre's Best Books for Kids & Teens - Spring 2013

Toronto Public Library system's “First & Best" Reading Program


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