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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Welcome to Holmes County, Ohio, where twins Mattie and Mark Miller can't seem to agree on anything. When their disagreements start to cause big trouble in their Amish community, will these energetic nine-year-olds call a truce and acknowledge that their differences are what make them so special? You'll fall in love with the first release in the Double Trouble series from bestselling author, Wanda E. Brunstetter.

Double Trouble Series:
Book 1 - What a Pair!
Book 2 - Bumpy Ride Ahead
Book 3 - Bubble Troubles
Book 4 - Green Fever

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There are so many mothers that are reading about the Amish faith and the families that make it up. This is a book that your child can read that explains the faith and as they read alone with Mom. In the front of the book there is an explanation telling what the Amish Faith is all about and it also has a list of the words that are different than we use. So your child can understand as they begin to read this very good book. I am a great-grandmother and I loved it and chuckled alone nodding my head as I read.

Wanda E. Brunstetter is one of the first authors that wrote only about the Amish, and she is one of the best. There are so many now trying to get in on this popular story line, but I still love anything that comes out by Wanda.

Now about this book for the child age 8 and up. The twins Mattie and Mark Miller of an Amish couple are so different you would never know in their actions that they are twins. They are nine years old and do not agree on anything. With this being the way they are you can bet they are always getting into trouble.

They would pull tricks on their friends and scare them almost to death and then the parents would have to step in. As most children they always loved to go to their grandparents house but they didn't know that grandpa and grandma Troyer knew about all the little tricks they played, and they loved the little frog house grandpa came up with never realizing he knew about the frog Mark had put in the sugar bowl.

That is just a little sample of this story so go out or order your child one for some good summer reading.

Thanks so much to Wanda E. Brunstetter and Barbour Publishing for sending me this free book, so I could post a review.
  EdnaT | Jun 1, 2012 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Welcome to Holmes County, Ohio, where twins Mattie and Mark Miller can't seem to agree on anything. When their disagreements start to cause big trouble in their Amish community, will these energetic nine-year-olds call a truce and acknowledge that their differences are what make them so special? You'll fall in love with the first release in the Double Trouble series from bestselling author, Wanda E. Brunstetter.

Double Trouble Series:
Book 1 - What a Pair!
Book 2 - Bumpy Ride Ahead
Book 3 - Bubble Troubles
Book 4 - Green Fever


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