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Mouse and the Moon

door M. Christina Butler

Andere auteurs: Tina Macnaughton (Illustrator)

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252945,914 (3.25)Geen
Little Harvest Mouse's only friend, his very own moon, is missing one cold, windy night but while searching for it, the mouse makes new friends and discovers something very important about the moon.
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Little Harvest Mouse goes searching for the moon when that heavenly body disappears one dark night, discovering that Duck, Squirrel and Rabbit also have a special relationship with her. Each animal thinks the moon is his, and that she lives in a different place - in the pond, in the tree, in the mountains - but after they survive a storm together and the moon reappears, they realize that she belongs to them all...

British author/illustrator team M. Christina Butler and Tina Macnaughton, who are probably best known for their series of picture-books about Little Hedgehog and his friends, return to the sweet anthropomorphic animal story in Mouse and the Moon. Pairing an engaging tale with cute illustrations, the book would make a good bedtime story for younger picture-book audiences who enjoy such fare. It has a bit of sparkle in the artwork, in the form of the moon, which will undoubtedly have added appeal for some. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | Feb 26, 2021 |
big, bold, sparkly pictures ( )
  melodyreads | Dec 14, 2012 |
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M. Christina Butlerprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Macnaughton, TinaIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Little Harvest Mouse's only friend, his very own moon, is missing one cold, windy night but while searching for it, the mouse makes new friends and discovers something very important about the moon.

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