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The Trust [Anthony & Keyes]

door Shira Anthony

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Eight years ago, Jake Anders was a college kid from the wrong side of the tracks. Then Trace Michelson recruited him into The Trust, a CIA-backed agency whose "executives" eliminate rogue biotechnology operations. Trace was everything Jake ever wanted in a man: powerful, brilliant, and gorgeous. But Jake never admitted his attraction to his mentor, and Trace always kept Jake at arm's length. Now Trace is dead and Jake is one of The Trust's best operatives, highly skilled and loyal to the organization. But the secret agent has his own secret: six years ago, before he was assassinated, Trace designed a Sim chip containing his memories and experiences-and now that chip is part of Jake. It's just data, designed to augment Jake's knowledge, but when Sim becomes reality, Jake wonders if Trace is still alive or if Jake really is going crazy like everyone claims. He doesn't know if he can trust himself, let alone anyone else. To learn the truth about Trace and the chip, Jake embarks on a dangerous mission-except he's not the only one looking for the information. Some of the answers are locked in his head, and unless he finds the key, he'll be killed for the technology that's become a part of him. Now, more than ever, Jake wishes Trace were here to guide him. Too bad he's dead... right?… (meer)
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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
What Plainbrownwrapper said.

I can't believe this is by the same author who blessed us with [b:Stealing the Wind|18216592|Stealing the Wind (Mermen of Ea, #1)|Shira Anthony||25643752].

Just a little warning for all of you, who is thinking of buying or reading this book:

This is a [b:Bleach|2565048|Bleach|Tite Kubo||2573568] fanfic with Renji/Byakuya pairing. Not a very good fanfic at that, either. More reason for some fanfics to stay fanfics.

DNF-ing at 45%, which I am rating 1 star. ( )
  Mrella | Mar 8, 2021 |
Read for m/m team bingo challenge, round 5. My review is posted on the group thread.
  Nightcolors | Apr 10, 2013 |
Read for m/m team bingo challenge, round 5. My review is posted on the group thread. ( )
  Nightcolors | Apr 8, 2013 |
This wasn’t what I expected, although I’m not sure why. It was a good SF story, with a bit of fantasy crossover, IMHO. The romance was intriguing. The technology was interesting and the plot intriguing enough to keep me reading.

The opening scene promised more than the book delivered, though. There wasn’t enough suspense, danger, life & death situations, for a real thriller. I mean, there were a number of them but most were really short.

A number of times, the wording is written so that the reader is in the dark about what is exactly happening. It only works 25% of the time. Mostly, it was clear what was really happening. Yet at other times, when the author was trying to be clear, who was doing what was confusing or didn’t add up.

The pacing varied, sometimes good, other times dragging, and at others, too fast. The characters also varied, whereas some were solid, others were caricatures.

The ending was fine but the whole epilogue felt forced, like it didn’t need to be that tough.

3.5 stars rounded down because I didn’t immediately think I wanted a sequel.
( )
  maybedog | Apr 5, 2013 |
This wasn’t what I expected, although I’m not sure why. It was a good SF story, with a bit of fantasy crossover, IMHO. The romance was intriguing. The technology was interesting and the plot intriguing enough to keep me reading.

The opening scene promised more than the book delivered, though. There wasn’t enough suspense, danger, life & death situations, for a real thriller. I mean, there were a number of them but most were really short.

A number of times, the wording is written so that the reader is in the dark about what is exactly happening. It only works 25% of the time. Mostly, it was clear what was really happening. Yet at other times, when the author was trying to be clear, who was doing what was confusing or didn’t add up.

The pacing varied, sometimes good, other times dragging, and at others, too fast. The characters also varied, whereas some were solid, others were caricatures.

The ending was fine but the whole epilogue felt forced, like it didn’t need to be that tough.

3.5 stars rounded down because I didn’t immediately think I wanted a sequel.
( )
  maybedog | Apr 5, 2013 |
1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Eight years ago, Jake Anders was a college kid from the wrong side of the tracks. Then Trace Michelson recruited him into The Trust, a CIA-backed agency whose "executives" eliminate rogue biotechnology operations. Trace was everything Jake ever wanted in a man: powerful, brilliant, and gorgeous. But Jake never admitted his attraction to his mentor, and Trace always kept Jake at arm's length. Now Trace is dead and Jake is one of The Trust's best operatives, highly skilled and loyal to the organization. But the secret agent has his own secret: six years ago, before he was assassinated, Trace designed a Sim chip containing his memories and experiences-and now that chip is part of Jake. It's just data, designed to augment Jake's knowledge, but when Sim becomes reality, Jake wonders if Trace is still alive or if Jake really is going crazy like everyone claims. He doesn't know if he can trust himself, let alone anyone else. To learn the truth about Trace and the chip, Jake embarks on a dangerous mission-except he's not the only one looking for the information. Some of the answers are locked in his head, and unless he finds the key, he'll be killed for the technology that's become a part of him. Now, more than ever, Jake wishes Trace were here to guide him. Too bad he's dead... right?

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