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Mysterious Thelonious door Christopher…
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Mysterious Thelonious (origineel 1997; editie 1997)

door Christopher Raschka (Auteur)

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13118215,920 (3.83)Geen
Matches the tones of the diatonic scale to the values of the color wheel in presenting a portrait of the work of the Afro-American jazz musician and composer of "Mysterioso."
Titel:Mysterious Thelonious
Auteurs:Christopher Raschka (Auteur)
Info:Orchard Books (1997), Edition: First Edition, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Mysterious Thelonious door Chris Raschka (1997)

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I love the pictures in this book. The way the words are broken up on the multi-tonal color pages makes it interesting and goes up and down on the page symbolizing the sound of playing notes on a jazz piano. It is a fun book, not extremely informative but very interesting and beautiful. This book inspired me to go watch some of Thelonious's musical feats on YouTube. He was remarkably gifted, the music plays out much like the illustrations on the pages in this book. This book is k-3, and for everyone. ( )
  asburns | Aug 25, 2019 |
AMAZING! This book incorporated both music and art in ways most people wouldn't imagine. Using the diatonic scale, the author used words. The author also used the color wheel for page colors. ( )
  JazHall123 | Apr 27, 2019 |
If you were to read this book to young reader you would probably have to prepare for it. The book separates syllables of each word and scatters them in a vertical pattern across the page. This is probably meant to evoke the a melody, and it could work. Especially if you were read the book to the tune of the famous Monk tune "Misterioso", which moves in sixths in a similar pattern. The cursive text might be a little difficult for a young reader to understand. The artwork is a groovy patchwork Monk and his piano. ( )
  Thomasjfkb | Sep 7, 2018 |
The music of Thelonious Monk is described in this book by colorful pictures and words scattered amongst the pages. When reading this in my head, the words sound like they should be sung, not read. The rhythm of Thelonious’s music can actually be felt by the reader just by looking at the pages of this book. I think students interested in music would love this because this book really grasps the concept of rhythm. After reading this book, students could likes to some of Thelonious Monk's music and then reflect on their new understanding of the book. ( )
  krista_patman | Mar 19, 2017 |
Mysterious Thelonious is a children's music that discusses the genre of music called Jazz. This book is horrible, I didn't not enjoy it at all, to be blunt. This book has not structure, the words are written all over the pages in font barely legible. This book was nothing but repetitive, it said the same sentence over and over. It was not informative, has no plot line, and was horribly confusing. I would never recommend or read this book again.
  jessclark | Dec 15, 2016 |
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Matches the tones of the diatonic scale to the values of the color wheel in presenting a portrait of the work of the Afro-American jazz musician and composer of "Mysterioso."

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