Notable Children's Book
Uitgereikt door Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC)
Andere Namen: Notables (Engels), ALA Notable Children's Book (Engels)
2,758 Werken / 2,762 Items 2,971,433 boeken 124,408 Besprekingen 4.2
Each year a committee of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) identifies the best of the best in children's books. According to the Notables Criteria, "notable" is defined as: toon meer Worthy of note or notice, important, distinguished, outstanding. As applied to children's books, notable should be thought to include books of especially commendable quality, books that exhibit venturesome creativity, and books of fiction, information, poetry and pictures for all age levels (birth through age 14) that reflect and encourage children's interests in exemplary ways. toon minder
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