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The Spia Family Presses On

door Mary Leo

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434602,899 (3.07)4
WARNING: This book may cause uncontrollable cravings for Italian food. The author bears no responsibility for your weight gain. Ever since my mob family, the Spia's, decided to go straight, Mom and I have been doing everything possible to keep these former Wise Guys from falling back into their old ways. Then Cousin Dickey showed up and threw a rotten olive into the mix. The next thing I knew there was a dead body, a nosey detective, a randy ex-lover, an even more randy imported mobster, and a lucrative olive oil business in jeopardy. With the help of my best friend, a survival expert, and bestselling author, Lisa Lin we try our best to trap a killer while we unravel family secrets, and uncover facts about my missing father which will lead us to even more rotten olives. Can my family and their olive orchard survive this scandal or are we doomed to repeat the sins of our past? Come join me on my quest to stay sober while I try my best to avoid murder and mayhem on the Spia Family Orchard. *No actual mobsters were harmed during the writing of this book.… (meer)
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Engels (3)  Piratentaal (1)  Alle talen (4)
Toon 4 van 4
2.5 stars

This was a decent mystery though it lacked clues for the reader to solve it independently. The 'cozy' background was unique in that it involved a family business (growing olives & pressing them into olive oils) but one that was owned & run by "recovering" Mafia family members (ones out of prison & others all going straight). While I found the recipes at the end of the chapters sounded good, I would have preferred having them all at the end of the book where they didn't interrupt the flow of my reading. ( )
  leslie.98 | Jun 27, 2023 |
This was a decent mystery though it lacked clues for the reader to solve it independently. The 'cozy' background was unique in that it involved a family business (growing olives & pressing them into olive oils) but one that was owned & run by "recovering" Mafia family members (ones out of prison & others all going straight). While I found the recipes at the end of the chapters sounded good, I would have preferred having them all at the end of the book where they didn't interrupt the flow of my reading. ( )
  leslie.98 | Jan 30, 2017 |
An enjoyable, quick read about a family of recovering mobsters living and working on an olive orchard. The main character Mia spent a lot of time in the book selling her family's olive oil to the readers, which seemed a bit ridiculous, and was a bit annoying, but it really didn't distract overly much from the story itself. The cast of characters are colourful and eccentric, and the mystery was rife with suspects. The ultimate reveal of the murderer was successful - I hadn't guessed who it was before they were unmasked. The very end of the story leaves the door open for the next mystery, coming out in 2013. ( )
  murderbydeath | Sep 20, 2014 |
Great book! Looking forward to the next in the series. The characters were quirky and funny I liked them so much, I wanted to hang out with them. Intriguing mystery and lots of romantic fun. ( )
  dd196406 | Apr 7, 2013 |
Toon 4 van 4
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WARNING: This book may cause uncontrollable cravings for Italian food. The author bears no responsibility for your weight gain. Ever since my mob family, the Spia's, decided to go straight, Mom and I have been doing everything possible to keep these former Wise Guys from falling back into their old ways. Then Cousin Dickey showed up and threw a rotten olive into the mix. The next thing I knew there was a dead body, a nosey detective, a randy ex-lover, an even more randy imported mobster, and a lucrative olive oil business in jeopardy. With the help of my best friend, a survival expert, and bestselling author, Lisa Lin we try our best to trap a killer while we unravel family secrets, and uncover facts about my missing father which will lead us to even more rotten olives. Can my family and their olive orchard survive this scandal or are we doomed to repeat the sins of our past? Come join me on my quest to stay sober while I try my best to avoid murder and mayhem on the Spia Family Orchard. *No actual mobsters were harmed during the writing of this book.

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Gemiddelde: (3.07)
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