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Back to You

door Priscilla Glenn

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12817220,879 (4.12)Geen
When Lauren Monroe first laid eyes on Michael Delaney back in high school, she had every reason to stay away from him; within minutes of their first encounter, his volatile actions confirmed his notorious reputation. But Lauren saw something in him that caused her to question his bad-boy persona, and against her better judgment, she took a chance. She had no way of knowing that the unlikely friendship they formed would become so important to her. Or that it would end so painfully. Eight years later, when Lauren begins her new job at Learn and Grow Day Care, Michael is the last person she expects to see. Refusing to revisit the hurt and confusion of their past, Lauren vows to keep her distance from him. But staying away from Michael proves to be more difficult than she thought, despite her lingering grief and her instincts for self-preservation. As Lauren and Michael recall the friendship that changed them forever and the events that tore them apart, will they finally be able to heal? Or will the ghosts of Michael’s past prove to be too much to overcome?… (meer)
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Was a little on the slow side and I was antsy to find out a few things that seemed to take forever to get to, but once things picked up I was hooked and couldn't walk away! ( )
  chaoticmel | May 18, 2024 |
predictable but sweet story ( )
  LAJG13 | Jan 2, 2023 |
Oh Laurel and Michael……. You were almost predictable. You were almost too mushy. Mostly you were mostly in love. This is a story of high school (not-so) sweethearts. The heart hides what the heart wants. They loved each other in high school, but stayed friends for many reasons…. always personal reasons that they didn’t share with one another. When they find each other again accidentally years later….. sparks fly, tempers flare, anger rises, love blinds.

What can I say? They loved each other for decades, and never let that love go. I was intrigued. I wanted Laurel to express herself so many times. I felt for Michael and his aching heart. I was sad for his daughter who just wanted a mother. ( )
  AmberGoleb | Mar 13, 2018 |
This book really struck a truth in me that I try to explain to others. It is not that all guys you date aren't good or even a good fit, it's that there are always the ones who you have that "something" with. The ones who always make your heart skip a beat and you feel a part of yourself will always belong to them. Priscilla Glenn truly demonstrates that to me in this book. ( )
  michellejester | Jun 17, 2017 |
Oh Laurel and Michael……. You were almost predictable. You were almost too mushy. Mostly you were mostly in love. This is a story of high school (not-so) sweethearts. The heart hides what the heart wants. They loved each other in high school, but stayed friends for many reasons…. always personal reasons that they didn’t share with one another. When they find each other again accidentally years later….. sparks fly, tempers flare, anger rises, love blinds.

What can I say? They loved each other for decades, and never let that love go. I was intrigued. I wanted Laurel to express herself so many times. I felt for Michael and his aching heart. I was sad for his daughter who just wanted a mother. ( )
  UANBookAddict | Dec 3, 2015 |
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When Lauren Monroe first laid eyes on Michael Delaney back in high school, she had every reason to stay away from him; within minutes of their first encounter, his volatile actions confirmed his notorious reputation. But Lauren saw something in him that caused her to question his bad-boy persona, and against her better judgment, she took a chance. She had no way of knowing that the unlikely friendship they formed would become so important to her. Or that it would end so painfully. Eight years later, when Lauren begins her new job at Learn and Grow Day Care, Michael is the last person she expects to see. Refusing to revisit the hurt and confusion of their past, Lauren vows to keep her distance from him. But staying away from Michael proves to be more difficult than she thought, despite her lingering grief and her instincts for self-preservation. As Lauren and Michael recall the friendship that changed them forever and the events that tore them apart, will they finally be able to heal? Or will the ghosts of Michael’s past prove to be too much to overcome?

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Gemiddelde: (4.12)
2 1
3 12
3.5 2
4 14
5 21

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