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World-building door Stephen Lee Gillett
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World-building (editie 1996)

door Stephen Lee Gillett, Ben Bova

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346377,601 (3.78)2
This exciting series is designed to give SF writers the solid grounding they need in real science to make their fictions read like fact.
Auteurs:Stephen Lee Gillett
Andere auteurs:Ben Bova
Info:Cincinnati, Ohio : Writer's Digest Books, c1996.
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:Writing, Science Fiction

Informatie over het werk

World-Building: A Writer's Guide to Constructing Star Systems and Life Supporting Planets door Stephen L. Gillett

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Toon 3 van 3
At first glance, this book looks like it will mainly be of interest to hard-science fiction writers.

That's... half true.

Honestly, the science gets very heavy at times, and the math... oy, the math. Let's say I didn't retain much of the details.

What I did come away with was a much greater understanding of the options for creating realistic or plausible planets and solar systems that are far outside of the usual Earth-analogs. And a better grasp of what the different labels for stars mean.

Highly recommended for sci-fi writers looking for inspiration, folks who want to know more about the wild variety of worlds, stars, and other space objects, and science buffs who are looking for a short but intense read on what (might be) out there. ( )
  JessMahler | Jan 9, 2020 |
Another book in the Science Fiction Writing Series, put out by Writers Digest. Geologist and astronomer Dr. Stephen Gillett approaches the science of creating planets in other solar systems in a fairly simple, easy-to-understand method for the layman. Chapters in this helpful volume include Why World-Build?, The Astronomical Setting, Making a Planet, The Earth, The Ancient Earth, The Other Planets, Stars and Suns, and Not As We Know It. Although a little understanding of geology, astrophysics and general physics helps to start with, this writers' guide really breaks down the science needed to accurately portray the development of alien species on life-supporting planets that differ dramatically from Earth. I particularly appreciated the final chapter, dealing with non-traditional life-supporting worlds -- water worlds, worlds heavy in nitrogen atmosphere, and what Gillett refers to as "Brimstone worlds". Also helpful, especially for those of us not well-versed in scientific minutiae, is an extensive glossary of scientific terminology, a bibliography of sources for additional research, and an index to science fiction stories that Gillett cites as examples of the various scientific principles he's explaining.

Originally reviewed for my local library's website: ( )
  cannellfan | Jan 16, 2011 |
An excellent toolkit for designing planets and star systems. Gillett explains everything from planetary formation to plate tectonics to the cycles that maintain a livable atmosphere on a planet and affect the weather, with plenty of examples and references to where ideas turn up in existing works of science fiction. A valuable resource to any game master running in an interstellar setting. ( )
  slothman | Sep 5, 2007 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Stephen L. Gillettprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Bova, BenRedacteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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This exciting series is designed to give SF writers the solid grounding they need in real science to make their fictions read like fact.

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Gemiddelde: (3.78)
1.5 1
2 1
2.5 1
3 14
3.5 5
4 15
4.5 3
5 10

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