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Four Gay Weddings and a Funeral

door Ryan Field

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When the state of New York legalizes same sex marriage, Neil Sparks and his close circle of friends wind up with more invitations to queer weddings than they'd bargained for. And it's during one of these weddings where Neil meets the perfect man, Andre Lefevre.Andre is French, with a romantic accent and a killer body. He always says and does the right things and he fills Neil with emotion in ways he's never known. But Neil isn't ready for marriage. And though Neil is honest with Andre, Andre doesn't take him seriously.As a teacher for the hearing impaired, Neil's life is full and rich. He loves his friends and he's never without a good looking date. But something is missing. And when he runs into Andre at another wedding and realizes how happy he is to see him again, he only winds up devastated to learn that Andre is engaged to be married to an older, wealthier man.This is when Neil winds up getting accidentally involved with his twenty year old neighbor, Tom Middleton, a guy who is just as interested in politics as he is in shooting hoops with his horny college buddies. Neil settles into a nice, quiet relationship for the first time in his life, sometimes wondering about what might have been with Andre.After two life-altering events, Neil winds up doing something he never would have imagined a year earlier. And it's not until the very end when he realizes the true meaning of the phrase happily-ever-after.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorPenumbra1, Bookbee1, AB_Gayle
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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. However, I must admit I have never seen the original film.

Some people classify Ryan's books as rip-offs of current hetero romances. I see them as a translation into gay romances and the differences and the scenes chosen to depict the equivalent are actually very revealing.

In fact, I brought this subject up in an interview I did with Ryan which you can find on my website
AB: As a writer, your “specialty” seems to be writing gay versions of m/f romance classics. Do you do these scene by scene and translate/equate that to what would be equivalent in the gay world? Or, am I reading too much into it?
RF: I actually see it as more of an overall picture, rather than scene by scene. And some things from the original story don’t work with m/m, so I had to change a lot. Sometimes, what I find works, is to take the opposite of what’s happening in the movie and put it into the m/m book. As in FGWAAF, I hated the movie and the weird love story. I wanted to just shake them both and say “grow up”" This is why I added a new character, changed the ending totally, and gave it my own twist. For me, the original was too boring and too sappy. So, when people say the books were rip-offs, they most likely haven’t read the books in full, to grasp what I’ve done. I change each and every storyline. It’s only the basic formula from which I draw the ideas. And it’s really my publisher who insists on using titles similar to the movies. If I had my way, I wouldn’t do it. But this is something that seems to be working, so I let the publisher do what they want.

The other huge reason I started doing these quasi movie books was also because gay men like me, and the tons of others who read my books, have never had things like this to read before in the mainstream. There was nothing for us to identify with in mainstream movies/love stories at all. The only books and movies we saw, until recently, were depressing, downtrodden, “arty” things that only touched certain fringes of the gay community and revolved around suicide, depression, and dark subjects. I’m sort of making up for all the things I always wanted to see and read, but no one would take seriously

One thing I can say is that the plot and the characters caught my interest and kept me turning the pages. Probably because the central theme about who you choose to marry and why and the difference between loving someone and being in love with them resonated with me on a personal basis.

Highly recommended. ( )
  AB_Gayle | Mar 30, 2013 |
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When the state of New York legalizes same sex marriage, Neil Sparks and his close circle of friends wind up with more invitations to queer weddings than they'd bargained for. And it's during one of these weddings where Neil meets the perfect man, Andre Lefevre.Andre is French, with a romantic accent and a killer body. He always says and does the right things and he fills Neil with emotion in ways he's never known. But Neil isn't ready for marriage. And though Neil is honest with Andre, Andre doesn't take him seriously.As a teacher for the hearing impaired, Neil's life is full and rich. He loves his friends and he's never without a good looking date. But something is missing. And when he runs into Andre at another wedding and realizes how happy he is to see him again, he only winds up devastated to learn that Andre is engaged to be married to an older, wealthier man.This is when Neil winds up getting accidentally involved with his twenty year old neighbor, Tom Middleton, a guy who is just as interested in politics as he is in shooting hoops with his horny college buddies. Neil settles into a nice, quiet relationship for the first time in his life, sometimes wondering about what might have been with Andre.After two life-altering events, Neil winds up doing something he never would have imagined a year earlier. And it's not until the very end when he realizes the true meaning of the phrase happily-ever-after.

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