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Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness, #3)

door Amanda J. Greene

Reeksen: Rulers of Darkness (3)

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Consumed by madness and tormented by dark memories of blood and death, Hadrian Lucretius, King of the Validus Clan, has returned after living in self-imposed exile for nearly three hundred and fifty years.To maintain peace with the vampires, Eva Maldonado is offered as a sacrifice to the crazed vampire king by her father, the alpha of the Silveria Shifter Pack. Hadrian's reputation is both legendary and lethal; he is ruthless, bloodthirsty, lusty, and soulless. When Eva arrives at the ancient fortress high in the Carpathian Mountains, she is shocked to find a ravaged man with dark burning eyes filled with loneliness and dangerous desire.Would she be his lover...or his prey? His savior...or his victim? Would Hadrian lure her into madness or would their perilous passion be their redemption?… (meer)
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Caressed by a Crimson Moon

I was given this book in place of an honest review. This is the third book in the "Rulers of Darkness" series. This story takes place surrounding Hadrian the Vampire King who threw himself into exile, because he was going crazy; and Eva a halfbreed shifter. Eva was the bastard daughter of the Alpha of her shifter pack, taken nine years ago after the death of her mother. She was treated poorly because of her halfbreed lineage. Hadrian who has just recently came out of exile and is preparing for his descent back into his clans world, wants to honor a treaty made three hundred and fifty years ago with the shifters, has Falcon go and claim what is rightfully his. The alpha isn't to thrilled about this scenario and refuses to send one of his pure looks daughters to the mad king, so instead he sends Eva his halfbreed daughter, in hopes that the mad king will take care of his dirty work for him. Instead of Hadrian killing Eva like the Alpha was hoping for, he finds something else in Eva.....hope.

As the other two books I have read in this series this one didn't fail to suck me in. However, this one was just a little different than the others. Because one: There is something more to Eva that meets the eye; two: instead of some huge raging battle being prepared for throughout the book, the big battle is actually the battles that Hadrian has to face about himself, and the secrets that are unfolded with Eva. Now don't get me wrong there is a battle scene in this book, but it's pretty bleh compared to the others. However, this book adds a few more pieces that will be unfolded in further books, that of course will keep you hanging on the edge of your seat and keep you wanting more. It sure has me, and I cannot wait to read more of this series. ( )
  hixxup79 | Feb 23, 2020 |
The third installment from Greene’s Ruler of Darkness series weaves a web of total seduction as we learn of Hadrian’s demons. This book feels a bit slower because there is not as much action as we have seen in previous installments but the way Eva and Hadrian’s romance developed was captivating and oh so sexy.

The sexual tension is delicious. The sex scenes are sizzling. The glimpses we get to see of all the other characters we know and love just add to the excellent world building and there is quite the set-up for the next installment. I cannot wait!

The King has returned. After 350 years of a self-imposed exile Hadrian Lucretius returns to the fold spurred on by his loyal second, Falcon and original vampire, Dimitri. As one of his first official acts, he sends Falcon to seal a treaty with a Brazilian shifter pack by taking one of the Alpha’s daughters on as a ward. Eva Maldonado is a half-breed forced to live with the shifters after the death of her mother. She is barley tolerated in the pack and the Alpha decides to send her as a sacrifice to the mad king. Trapped in a castle in the Carpathian Mountains Eva finds herself drawn to the dark tortured vampire and Hadrian is hardly immune to the charms of the half-breed. Will they fight their attraction or find that succumbing to their desires may save them both?

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  AReCafe | May 23, 2014 |
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Consumed by madness and tormented by dark memories of blood and death, Hadrian Lucretius, King of the Validus Clan, has returned after living in self-imposed exile for nearly three hundred and fifty years.To maintain peace with the vampires, Eva Maldonado is offered as a sacrifice to the crazed vampire king by her father, the alpha of the Silveria Shifter Pack. Hadrian's reputation is both legendary and lethal; he is ruthless, bloodthirsty, lusty, and soulless. When Eva arrives at the ancient fortress high in the Carpathian Mountains, she is shocked to find a ravaged man with dark burning eyes filled with loneliness and dangerous desire.Would she be his lover...or his prey? His savior...or his victim? Would Hadrian lure her into madness or would their perilous passion be their redemption?

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